Flack, Books,

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//-->MODERNISM AND HOMERThis comparative study crosses multiple cultures, traditions, genres,and languages in order to explore the particular importance of Homerin the emergence, development, and promotion of modernistwriting. It shows how and why the Homeric epics served bothmodernist formal experimentation, including Pound’s poetics of thefragment and Joyce’s sprawling epic novel, and sociopolitical cri-tiques, including H.D.’s analyses of the cultural origins oftwentieth-century wars and Mandelstam’s poetic defiance of thetotalitarian Stalinist regime. The book counters a long critical trad-ition that has recruited Homer to consolidate, champion, and, morerecently, chastise an elitist, masculine modernist canon. Departingfrom the tradition of reading these texts in isolation as mythicengagements with the Homeric epics, Leah Flack argues that ongoingdialogues with Homer helped these writers to mount their distinctvisions of a cosmopolitan postwar culture that would include them asartists working on the margins of the Western literary tradition.leah culligan flackis Assistant Professor of English at Mar-quette University.classics after antiquityEditors:Alistair BlanshardUniversity of QueenslandShane ButlerJohns Hopkins UniversityEmily GreenwoodYale UniversityClassics after Antiquitypresents innovative contributions in thefieldof ClassicalReception Studies. Each volume explores the methods and motives of those who,coming after and going after antiquity, have entered into a contest with and forthe legacies of the ancient world. The series aims to unsettle, provoke debate, andto stimulate a re-evaluation of assumptions about the relationship between Greekand Roman classical pasts and modern histories.Other titles in the series:Classical Victorians: Scholars, Scoundrels and Generals in Pursuit of Antiquityedmund richardsonMODERNISM AND HOMERThe Odysseys of H.D., James Joyce, Osip Mandelstam,and Ezra PoundLEAH CULLIGAN FLACKMarquette University [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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