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//-->Copyright (c) 1996 by Stephen Jay GouldAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permissionin writing from the publisher.Published by Harmony Rooks, a division of Crown Publishers, Inc., 201 East 50th Street. New York, New York 10022HARMONY and colophon are trademarks of Crown Publishers, Inc.Printed in the United States of AmericaDesign by Lynne Amft Chart illustrations by Bob RomanLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.ISBN 0-517-70394-710987654321First EditionGrateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint or adapt the following:FIGURE 1A "Ideal Landscape of the Silurian Period," from Louis Figuier,EarthBefore the Deluge,1863. Neg. no. 2A22970. Copyright (c) Jackie Beckett(photograph taken from book). Courtesy Department of Library Services, AmericanMuseum of Natural History.FIGURE 1B "Ideal Scene of the Lias with Ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus," fromLouis Figuier,Earth Before the Deluge,1863. Neg. no. 2A22971. Copyright (c)Jackie Beckett (photograph taken from book). Courtesy Department of LibraryServices, American Museum of Natural History.FIGURE 1C "Fantastic. Scorpionlike Eurypterids, Some Eight Feet Long, Spent Mostof Their Time Half Buried in Mud," by Charles R. Knight. Courtesy of the NationalGeographic Society Image Collection.FIGURE 1D "Mosasaurus Ruled the Waves When They Rolled Over WesternKansas," by Charles R. Knight. Courtesy of the National Geographic Society ImageCollection.FIGURE 1E "Pterygotus and Eurypterus," by Zdemek Bunan. FromPrehistoricAnimals,edited by Joseph Augusta. Neg. no. 338586. Copyright (c) 1996 by JackieBeckett. Courtesy Department of Library Services, American Museum of NaturalHistory.FIGURE 1F "Elasmosaurus," by Zdemek Bunan, fromPrehistoric Animals,edited byJoseph Augusta. Neg. no. 338585. Copyright (c) 1996 by Jackie Beckett. CourtesyDepartment of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History.FIGURES 2A,2B Reprinted with the permission of Simon & Schuster fromThe RoadLess Traveledby M. Scott Peck. Copyright (c) 1978 by M. Scott Peck.FIGURE 8 "Genealogy of the Horse," by O. C. Marsh. Originally appeared inAmerican Journal of Science,1879. Neg. no. 123823. Courtesy Department of LibraryServices. American Museum of Natural History.FIGURE 9 "The Evolution of the Horse," by W. D. Matthew. Appeared inQuarterlyReview of Biology,1926. Neg. no. 37969. Copyright (c) by Irving Dutcher. CourtesyDepartment of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History.FIGURES 10, 11 From "Explosive Speciation at the Base of the Adaptive Radiationof Miocene Grazing Horses, by Bruce MacFadden and Richard Hulbert, Jr. Copyright(c) 1988 by Macmillan Magazines Ltd. FromNature,336:6198,1988,466-68.Reprinted with permission fromNature,Macmillan Magazines Limited.FIGURES 14, 19 Adapted from illustrations by Philip Simone in "EntropicHomogeneity Isn't Why No One Hits .400 Any More," by Stephen Jay Gould.Discover,August 1986, 60-66. Adapted with permission ofDiscover.FIGURE 15 Adapted from an illustration by Cathy Hall in "Losing the Edge: TheExtinction of the .400 Hitter,"Vanity Fair,March 1983, 264-7H. Adapted withpermission ofVanity Fair.FIGURES 16,22,23,24,25.27 Adapted from "Presidential Address," by Stephen JayGould. Copyright (c) 19S8 by Stephen Jay Gould.Journal of Paleontology,62:3,1988, 320-24. Adapted with permission ofJournal of Paleontology.FIGURE 17 Adapted fromThe Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract.Copyright (c)1986 by Bill James. New York: Villard Books. 1986. Adapted with permission of theDarhansoff & Verrill Literary Agency on behalf of the author.FIGURE I8 Reprinted by permission of Sangit Chatterjee.FIGURE 26 Adapted from "Causality and Cope's Rule: Evidence from the Plank tonicForaminifera," by A. J. Arnold, D. C. Kelly, and W. C. Parker,Journal ofPaleontology,69:2, 1995, 204. Adapted with permission ofJournal of Paleontology.FIGURES 28, 29 Adapted from illustrations by David Starwood, from "The Evolutionof Life on the Earth," by Stephen Jay Gould.Scientific American,October 1994, 86,Copyright (c) 1994 byScientific American.All rights reserved.FIGURE 30 "Modern Stromatolites." Copyright (c) by Francois Gohier. Reprinted bypermission of Photo Researchers, Inc.FIGURE 31 Adapted from "Universal Phylogenetic Tree in Rooted Form." Copyright(D 1994 by Carl R, Woese.Microbiological Reviews,58, 1994, 1-9. Adapted withpermission of the author.FIGURE 32 Adapted from "Evolutionary Change in the Morphological Complexity ofthe Mammalian Vertebral Column." Copyright (c) 1993 by Donald W. McShea.Evolution,47, 1993, 730—40. Adapted with permission of the author.FIGURES 33, 34 Adapted from "Mechanisms of Large-Scale Evolutionary Trends."Copyright (c) 19'H by Donald W. McShea.Evolution,48, 1994, 1747—63. Adaptedwith permission of the author.FIGURE 35 Reprinted by permission of George Boyajian.FIGURE 36 Adapted from "Taxonomic Longetivity of Fossil Ammonoid," from anarticle by George Boyajian, inGeology,20, 1992, 983-986. Adapted by permission ofGeology.
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