Flyer Pellet plant Georgia, Dokumenty po angielsku

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//-->Pellet plant as a role modelThe pellet plant of Georgia Biomass in Waycross isthe biggest and most modern of its type in the world.In full production, the plant will have the capacity toproduce 750,000 metric tonnes pellets annually.The pellets will be used as fuel for renewable powergeneration, either by co-firing at very high rates or byenabling full conversions of existing coal poweredplants to dedicated biomass plants.This project is a model for bringing new jobs andtechnology to southeast Georgia. Georgia Biomassbenefits from the skilled workforce of the region andemploys about 85 individuals locally. In addition tothe direct employment, the livelihood of many familieswill be supported through the indirect jobs createdin logging, hauling, forestry, rail and port services.Within 13 months, RWE, BMC and their contractorshave prepared the 300 acre site, constructed theinfrastructure and buildings, and set the processequipment in place. During the construction, morethan 20,000 cubic yards of concrete were pouredand over 700,000 manhours were performed. Thefirst pellets were produced on March 3, 2011, lessthan one year after the groundbreaking. The plantis being ramped up to reach full production capacityin fall 2011.OwnerDeveloperAnnual ProductionFeedstock requirementsFull Time EmployeesGeorgia Biomass, LLCBMC Management AB750,000 metric tonnes1.5 million metric tonnesapprox. 85Pellet Plant Georgiawww.gabiomass.comHow to produce pellets?The pellet production process is separated intothree main parts which are also reflected by thearchitecture of the construction site having a “WoodYard”, a “Dryer” and a “Pelletizing Island”. Startingpoint is the “Wood Yard”, where the logs arrive andare stored before they will be debarked and chipped.Next step is the “Dryer Island”, where the chips aredried by using the bark as fuel for the dryer.Finally, in the “Pelletizing Island”, the wood chipsare grinded in hammermills and compressed to shapein pellet presses. Pelletizing is the applied technologyto increase the bulk density of biomass. The pelletsare loaded into rail cars and shipped approximately100 miles to the port of Savannah. From there theywill be shipped to Europe in dry bulk vessels.Roundwoodto debarkerDebarkingdrumChipperTransfer by shipto EuropeSavannah harbordomes aspellet storageRail pit loadingChipsRailwayto SavannahharborHammermill,pelletizerand coolerDry chips tohammermill“Pelletizing Island”PelletsRailcarloading“Wood Yard”Chip storageBarkGreen chipsto dryerBark as fuelfor the dryerBark storage“Dryer Island” [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
