Ford Michael - Black Witchcraft; Foundations of the Luciferian Path [ENG], BOOKS, Others
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Black Witchcraft
Foundations of the Luciferian Path
By Michael W. Ford, Akhtya Seker Arimanius
The nature of ‘Skir-hand’ Witchcraft in the ancient and modern world is
of anti-nature, or rather the word “Antinomian” is a greek form meaning
“against the law”. This word makes reference to rebellion from a
structure or spiritual design of the masses, the majority and whatever
the current ideological mainstream may be at that time. Witchcraft, no
matter for what intent or form, has always stood outside any
conventional acceptance within society – either by the religious hierarchy
(even though it keeps their organizations called Church together and
making money) or even governmental ones. To provide a distinct
understanding of Luciferian Witchcraft from which I am an initiate of, I
must write directly of experience and the vision which all initiates, past,
present or secret, have brought to the current and how it manifests
today. No longer should those of Luciferian nature be forced to denounce
the darkness inherent within us all; witchcraft as with the human or
daemonic spirit is both dual natured, light and shadow, bestial and
angelic, ad infinitum.
The word ‘Black’ within the context of writing here is in reference to the
hidden nature of the Sinister Craft, it is both the depths of initiation
which runs deep in our souls, and the future possibility by the atavistic
urges which may be harnessed into powerful tools of refining and
strengthening our consciousness. The Order of Phosphorus is an
initiatory guild of practitioners of sorcery from a Left Hand Path point of
view. The word ‘Black’ is described by Idries Shah as being identified
with the sound of FHM in the Arabic tongue, which is ‘black’ meaning
‘wise’ and equally with ‘understanding’. Shah writes further that black
holds a connection with hidden wisdom, thus the phrase, “Dar tariki,
tariqat” which means “In the Darkness, the Path”. The Order of
Phosphorus is symbolic of fire illuminated from clay, of light emerging
from darkness. The magicians and witches of this 'Skir-hand' Guild are
equally focused on not only low sorcery, but utilizing the hidden nature
of darkness to reveal Light within themselves. Here we find the
foundation and essence of Baphomet, the Father of Wisdom. The
Sabbatic God is both the union of the Beast and the Whore, Ahriman
(Satan, Samael) and Az (Lilith, Babalon) which beget Cain (by the circle of
Leviathan, the Serpent of the Depths). An initiatory image of Cain as
Baphomet (by Soror Lilitu Azhdeha) may be found in “The Book of Cain”
and represents the Black Lord of the Sabbat as a form of the Adversary.
A representation of this path may be found in my publications,
“Luciferian Witchcraft: A Book of the Serpent” which contains the
grimoires “Book of Cain”, “Goetic Sorcery”, “Yatuk Dinoih”, “Nox Umbra”,
“The Paitisha”, “Azothoz”, “Vox Sabbatum” and much more. The
infamous “Book of the Witch Moon” also has presented a foundation for
the darker aspects of sorcery and vampirism, which Aleister Crowley
alludes to in “De Arte Magica”. The reader who holds interest in the
provenance of the Witches Sabbat in consideration of the Luciferic gnosis
referred to in this article may have recourse material to seek in the
aforementioned titles as well as works by Kenneth Grant who continued
the Initiatic work of Crowley and Spare from the 1950’s onward.
Symbolism and Commitment
“The model of Left Hand Path Sexual Magick is a challenge which moves
beyond the constraints of sociological limitation; it is taboo without
psychological degradation, self-motivational empowerment through
becoming as a God or Goddess, to discover your weaknesses and
ADAMU – Forbidden Sexual Magick
The definitions of the Left Hand Path has long been a clouded and often
misunderstood definition. Essentially, the Left Hand Path is by universal
perception as being the mutation or transformation of consciousness into
a divinity or divine conscious, this is done by the process of the practice
of Magick and Sorcery to achieve the motion of the body and mind
towards a higher perception. The Black Adepts of The Order of
Phosphorus and the Black Order of the Dragon are magicians who are
committed to process of self-determined magical exercises to refine and
expand their consciousness; through physical and mental activity. This
includes but is not limited to, Sexual Magick, Ceremonial practice and
Solitary workings of all kinds to seek the initiatory results of Magick
“This is not a path of prayer and supplication, but recognition of the
sorcerer's own inherent powers. The forces of Darkness are called upon as
a means of self-expression, self-empowerment, and self-deification.”
Nathaniel Harris, (author of WITCHA- A Book of Cunning, Mandrake of
Oxford, and current Magister of The Red Circle, England) from the
Introduction to “Luciferian Witchcraft” by Michael W. Ford
Black Witchcraft as defined within the afromentioned grimoires is about
self-deification but also the further expansion of consciousness,
transforming the mundane into the divine, thus the antinomian and
Satanic symbolism. But herein is cipher and clue to the essence of the
Luciferian path, it is both commitment and the possession of the lower
and higher aspects of Daemonic identification which empowers the
Godforms found in the forbidden and black grimoires of such as ADAMU,
no mere psychodrama and within the circle of the wise does the magician
seek a higher spirit outside of his or her being; they seek it within and
the choreography and instruments of ritual are merely self-empowered
tools to aide in the process of Becoming. 'Skir-hand' Witchcraft within
has been inspired from the family lines of Nathaniel Harris and family,
'Skir' meaning "left hand" or "sinister".
“The Circle within Luciferian Witchcraft represents the very binding space
of the sorcerers body, both of spirit/celestial and flesh/infernal. It is the
symbol of both the Sun and the Moon, the sphere which begets strength
and the very focus of the Magician.”
ADAMU – Forbidden Sexual Magick
by Michael W. Ford
The ritual tools within the Black Tradition are as various as the witches
themselves. Some create fetish servitors, embodied and often created
demonic familiars bound to objects, created from animal remains, blood
or sexual fluids to form a visualized shade which holds significance to
the sorcerer himself. Some create dolls and others use little or no exterior
tools or implements. What holds tradition among such Adepts is the
commitment of the Luciferic Spirit within. This is the mind of the
practitioner which has been liberated through antinomian practices and
thought, by this determined focus that the Will of the Black Adept has
transformed he or she into a Daemonic Being. Within ancient Persian
practice, the Ahriman (Satan) created daemon Akoman (meaning Evil
Mind) is the Luciferian Mind which seeks liberation and independence
from the mass or herd mentality, to become something ‘other’ by the
forbidden or ‘evil’ path of Magick or Witchcraft.
Certain tools within the Craft Sinister are often considered ‘haunted’
objects, empowered by ongoing ritual practice by the witch or sorcerer
which gives the fetish a seeming life independent from their own,
however always usually in accordance to their Will. Ritual instruments
such as the Tibetan Kangling, a Trumpet made from the thigh bone of a
hanged man, a ritual knife known as an Athame, according to Idries
Shah as ‘adhdhame’ being ‘bloodletter’, used in Sabbat ritual practice to
focus the Will or Cast the Mind into the determined direction of ritual
Magick; the blade representing the Luciferic Mind of the magician. The
Skull Cup, made from the top part of the human skull, makes a drinking
bowl used in ceremonial or solitary practice. None of these ritual tools
are required for practice, which depends solely on the means and
predilection of the sorcerer.
Godforms hold specific power within the cults of witchcraft as what is
empowered from the practitioner themselves. The Gods and Goddesses
would not exist in any tangible form if humanity did not empower them;
either subconsciously or consciously, thus by the Adept becoming does
the Godform become. Deific energy is a source not only based within the
blood of the practitioner, of the atavistic or primal recesses of the human
mind. This Deific energy or power may be recalled into the flesh and
conscious mind of the practitioner, thus one finds the knowledge
undertaken by earlier sects such as The Golden Dawn, the Maskhara of
the Arabic and Asian tribes, Austin Osman Spare’s Zos Kia Cultus, etc.
There are numerous rituals explored by Luciferian Sabbat practitioners
within The Order of Phosphorus and the Black Order of the Dragon
which utilize old methods of lycanthropy and the ‘shedding of flesh’, of
shape shifting by dream in Therion form to go forth to the erotic
convulsions of the Infernal Sabbat.
The God of Luciferian Witchcraft is Seth-an, or Set (the same as Samael,
Satan). This is the Egyptian Prince of Darkness, a Lord of Chaos and
sorcerous power. Set should not be considered merely a God in an
anthropomorphic sense, rather a deific force which is the very essence of
our being. When Azazel or Lucifer brought to Cain the Black Flame of
Consciousness, this was as too Set’s gift to mankind. By working in the
circles of Luciferian Craft, you are merely fulfilling your ancient heritage.
While some choose paths less dangerous than this; the reality of
witchcraft as a Luciferian Gnosis cannot be denied. The Great Work in
reference to Set is for the magician to seek divinity, that is awareness,
individuality and personal power. By believing in yourself rather than
something ‘higher’ than you (The only Higher Angelick or Demonic being
is YOU, the Luciferic Angel or Holy Guardian Angel) you become as your
Within the Black Tradition the Luciferian Trinity which is composed of
Samael – Lilith – Cain hold significance in the model of practice within
the cult. This Trinity is an alchemical process of becoming in which the
magician aligns and utilizes the deific associations of Samael – Lilith –
Cain to transform their consciousness into the divine essence which is
Baphomet, the Head of Knowledge. To described Samael, a small section
as follows is from LIBER HVHI, a ritual work which defines the deeper
and darker practice of the Left Hand Path in terms of Witchcraft.
“For the Devil is called Diabolus, that is, flowing downwards: that he
which swelled with pride, determined to reign in high places, fell flowing
downwards to the lowest parts, like the torrent of a violent stream.”
Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy
“It is written in the Bible that Samael/Satan fell from heaven as lightening,
being a flash downwards, who before the fall, was a guarding Seraph
around the throne of God. After his fall he was a master of death, the very
poison of God yet he was also a Giver of Life, being the father between
fallen angel and woman. In later Jewish writings, Samael is associated
with the name Malkira, which Morris Jastrow Jr. associated with Malik-
Ra, being “The Evil Angel” and the name Matanbuchus, being a form of
Angro-Mainyush or Ahriman. Here does the circle become closed and the
nature of the First Angel become perceived or sensed. In ongoing ritual
work, the magician begins identifying his or herself with Samael (and
Lilith) within the parameters of their own life and initiation.
The Lord of the Earth, being a name ascribed to Samael (Satan) and his
fallen angels and demons, are but considered astral spirits, that which no
longer take physical form, but may become manifest through the magician
or witch who may make a “pact” with them, being initiation and dedication
to the Left Hand Path. Samael is the patron spirit of the Left Hand Path, as
his Word is what formed our thoughts and gave us the inner fire of the
Black Flame, our individual process of thought and free will. The
magicians who aligned their will with the Left Way, that of Samael (the
Devil), were given powers over the earth in one way or another; all the
while strengthening, defining and expanding their conscious. In Exodus 7
the magicians were able to make frogs and serpents by the power they
obtained in the Devil, thus such creatures are astral forms of Ahriman
(Samael) and the dreaming body of witches and sorcerers.”
Liber HVHI
Here we can see that Samael or Satan/Shaitan, is not the all devouring
aspect, but also the savior of humanity and the original planter of the
seed of light in our being. Through Cain did his lineage survive and
continue on spiritually to this present time.
Lilith, being the Bride of the Devil, is one part of the Adversary as being
the dark instinctual side of man and woman, feminine, yet horrific and
loving all within the same breath. Lilith is known by the Semitic “Layil”
which a word is meaning Night, but also the name of the demon of the
storm. Lilith is associated with the screech owl and other beasts of the
wild, as it is where she went after she left heaven to wander the earth.
She is considered one of the Three Assyrian demons being Ardat Lilit,
Lilit and Lilu, but rather these may be just variations of her name. It is
suggested by some Hebrew scholars that Lilith was worshipped by exiled
Jews from Babylon as a goddess of the wilderness.
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