Freemason Bluebook, â–€ Secret Societies, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Club, Freemasons, CFR, Bilderberg

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Maine Masonic Text Book
Maine Masonic Text Book
COPYRIGHTED 1923 Maine Printing Exchange, Inc. 1997 PREFACE TO THE 16TH
The Maine Masonic Text Book compiled by P.G.M. Josiah . Drummond was originally
published by the Grand Lodge of Maine in 1877 for the purpose of assisting the lodges in
resolving the questions which continually arise, and as a monitor of the various ceremonies.
The sixteenth edition has been printed without the "Digest of Decisions." It is important to
publish the "Digest of Decisions in a format which can be readily updated. In past formats,
each Grand Master's Decisions have had to remain unprinted until the supply of text books
ran out, and a new edition was printed. Not having the Digest of Decisions printed in the
Text Book allows the book to remain current.
The "Digest of Decisions" can be purchased separately or with the Constitution and
Standing Regulations of the Grand Lodge of Maine.
John E. Anagnostis Grand Secretary
The Institution of Masonry, or Freemasonry (for these terms are used indiscriminately), is founded
upon the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man: it. therefore, necessarily teaches
Morality, Brotherly Love, and Charity: its method of teaching is chiefly by symbols: it has many
forms and ceremonies, but these are all intended to teach and impress upon the mind the great
principles of the Institution: its votaries are seeking after Truth, symbolized by Light.
A Provincial Grand Lodge was formed in Massachusetts under the authority of the Grand Lodge of
England, in 1733; and another, under the authority of the Grand Lodge of Scotand, in 1769: during
the revolution, these Bodies declared themselves independent of their Mother Grand Lodges, and,
in 1792, both united as the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. The first lodge in Maine PORTLAND)
was chartered by the English Provincial Grand Lodge; the second (WARREN) by the Scottish
Provincial Grand Lodge; and the third (LINCOLN) by the United Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
When Maine became an independent State in 1820, the Lodges, thirtyone in number, formed the
Grand Lodge of Maine, in accordance with the wellsettled principle of masonic law, that the
lodges in every independent State are of right entitled to form a Grand Lodge for that State. The
Grand Lodge of Maine exercises exclusive masonic jurisdiction in this State, and any lodge,
organized by any other authority, is illegal and clandestine, with which, or with whose members,
no masonic intercourse can be held.
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A Lodge cannot he legally opened in this State without the presence of the Charter or Charter
Certificate as well as the Furniture. When the hour of meeting has arrived and the W. Master has
ascertained that the charter is present and the lodge furnished, he gives one rap with the gavel,
directs the Brethren to he clothed and the Officers to invest themselves with their jewels and repair
to their respective stations, and proceeds to open the lodge. He must open it on the third degree,
unless the business he the conferring of the first or second degree, as all other business must be
transacted in a Master's lodge. To ballot on petitions, there must he at least seven memhers of the
lodge present: for other purposes the ritual number is sufficient, unless the bylaws otherwise
A prayer must he made or read, or a charge given, at opening or closing a lodge
Most merciful God! Supreme Architect of Heaven and Earth. We beseech Thee to guide and
protect these brethren here assembled, and fulfill at this time that divine promise Thou wert
pleased to make to those who should be gathered together in Thy name. Teach us to know and
serve Thee aright Bless us and prosper us in all our laudable undertakings, and grant that our
conduct may tend to Thy glory, to the advancement of Freemasonry, and finally to our own
salvation in that blessed kingdom where Thy children shall find rest. AMEN
Response.So mote it be.
O Lord, our Heavenly Father, the High and Mighty Ruler of the Universe, who dost from Thy
throne behold all the dwellers upon earth, direct us, we beseech Thee, in all our doings, with Thy
most gracious favor, and further us with Thy continual help, that in all our works begun, continued
and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy holy name and as Thou hast taught us, in Thy Holy Word,
that all our doings, withoutcharity, are nothing worth; send Thy Holy Spirit, and pour into our
hearts the most excellent gift of Charity, the very bond of peace and of all virtues, without which
whosoever liveth is counted dead before Thee.
Bless and prosper, we pray Thee, every branch and member of this our Fraternity, throughout the
habitable earth. May Thy kingdom of peace, love and harmony come. May Thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven, and the whole world be filled with Thy glory. Amen.
Response. So mote it be.
Behold! how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard,
that went down to the skirts of his garments.
As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the
Lord commanded a blessing, even life forevermore.
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O God, our Creator, Preserver, and Benefactor, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known,
and from whom no secrets are hid, we heartily thank Thee for the fraternal communion that we
have been permitted through Thy kind providence to enjoy. May we be ever mindful that it is in
Thee that we live, move and have our being; that every good gift cometh from Thee. Bless our
humble labors for the promotion of truth and love, unity and peace. Continue to extend Thy
gracious favor to our beloved institution, and make it more and more an agency for good among
Dismiss us with thy blessing. Go with us as we return to our homes. Be with us while engaged in
the active affairs and duties of this life. So influence our hearts and minds that we may faithfully
practice out of the lodge the great moral duties which are inculcated in it; and with reverence study
and obey the laws which Thou hast given us in Thy Holy Word; and to Thee shall be all the praise.
Response. So mote it be.
Brethren: We are about to quit this sacred retreat of friendship and virtue, to mix again with the
world. Amidst its concerns and employments forget not the duties which you have heard so
frequendy inculcated and so forcibly recommended in this lodge. Be diligent, prudent, temperate,
discreet. remember that around this altar you have promised to befriend and relieve every brother
who shall need your assistance. You have promised, in the most friendly manner to remind him of
his errors, and aid a reformation. These generous principles are to extend further. Every human
being has a claim upon your good offices. Do good unto all. Recommend it more especially to "the
household of the faithful."
Finally, Brethren, be ye all of one mind; live in peace; and may the God of love and peace delight
to dwell with and bless you.
May the blessing of Heaven rest upon us, and all regular Masons! May
brotherly love prevail, and every moral and social virtue cement us! Amen.
Response.So mote it be.
Stated Communication of Portland Lodge, No.1, held in Masonic
Hall in Portland, Wednesday, October 4, A. D. 1876, A. L. 5876.
Officers Present
[Give the name of each officer, designating those temporarily filling any chair
by the word" as "between the name and the office.)
Members Present
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[The old custom of giving the names of the members present, is, in some
places, no longer observed; but the Secretary who fails to record them neglects
his duty.]
Visitors Present
[Give their names and the name of the lodge from which each hails.)
Lodge opened on the Master's degree. The records of the last stated meeting,
and of all subsequent special meetings, were read and confirmed.
The petition of John Doe for the degrees of masonry, with the usual deposit,
was received and referred to the Committee of Inquiry.
The committee of Inquiry reported upon the petition of Richard Roe; their
report was accepted, the ballot spread, and Richard Roe was elected to receive
the degrees within the gift of the lodge.
The Committee of Inquiry reported upon the petition of John Roe; their report
was accepted, the ballot spread, and he was declared rejected.
[The other business transacted is recorded in a similar manner.]
The minutes were read and approved.
No further business appearing, the lodge was duly closed in peace and
It is the prerogative of the Master to determine what proceedings of the lodge are proper to
be recorded, and he should sign the minutes, thereby giving them his sanction.
When a candidate, whom a Mason is willing to recommend,desires to apply for initiation,
care must be taken that he presents his petition to the lodge nearest his residence. The
determination of the place of one's residence is often difficult, especially in Maine, from
which so many young men go away into other States to seek employment. the residence,
intended by our Constitution, is the home where the party has the right to vote and is bound
to pay taxes. This test will generally settle the question, but no rule can be given by which
every case can be decided.
By a regulation, adopted by most of the Grand Lodges in America, no candidate for the
mysteries of Masonry can be initiated without having been proposed at a previous meeting
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Maine Masonic Text Book
of the lodge (except by dispensation from the Grand Master) in order that no one may be
introduced without due inquiry relative to his character and qualifications.
The application must be in writing over the signature of the applicant, and state his age,
residence, that he has resided in the state one year and in the jurisdiction of the lodge the six
months next preceding (except as elsewhere provided) and whether he has made application
to and been rejected by any lodge, also give all the information called for in the
Questionnaire attached to and made a part of the application; and it is further required the
application, questions and answers be filed by the lodge for permanent preservation.
This blank should be filled out by the Candidate in his own handwriting and is a part of his
1. Name in full, (Middle Initial not sufficient)
2. Place and exact date of birth ?
3. Single, married or widower?
4. If married, how many in family?
5. Do you believe in God, the Author, Creator and Ruler of the universe?
6. What church do you attend?
7. Of what secret societies or organizations are you now a member?
8. Name of your father and address if living
9. Is he or was he a Mason?
10. Places in which you have lived during past ten years, with approximate time in each place
11. If not a professional man give names and addresses of your employers or business associates
for the past ten years
12. Have you ever been respondent in a criminal case in court? If so give particulars
13. Where were you educated?
14. Have you ever before applied for the degrees to anyl odge of Masons?
15. If so, where? When?
16. Is your financial position such that in becoming a Mason, you will be able to pay promptly the
annual dues and assessments, if any, of the Masonic lodge of which you may become a member?
17. Is this application made of your own free will, or was it solicited?
I To the Officers and Brethren of.......................................Lodge
of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at ............................................................
The subscriber, aged_______ years, and by occupation a ______________respectfully states
that he is a resident of _________________ that he has actually resided within the
jurisdiction of said lodge for more than six months last past, and within the State of Maine
for the year past; that, unbiased by friends, and uninfluenced by mercenary motives, he
freely and voluntarily offers himself a candidate for the mysteries of Freemasonry; that if
admitted he will cheerfully conform to all the ancient established usages and customs of the
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