Gary Allen - Kissinger; The Secret Side of the Secretary of State (1976), Sarmatian(1)
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Chapter One
While the FBI reported that there were at least 15,000 terrorists operating in the
U.S., many openly encouraged, if not supplied and directed, by foreign powers, the
United States was dismantling or hand-cuffing every major governmental unit
charged with investigating such assaults on our security."
This book is the account of one man who, we believe, may be another wolf,
entrusted with the job of protecting the sheep
. It is the story of the person who,
more than any other individual inside the U.S. government, has been the chief
architect and apologist for the policies whose effects we have summarized above. It
is the record of the present Secretary of State,
Henry A. Kissinger
As we penetrate the cloak of falsehood and deception that has been erected to
protect the man and myth, we will find that
Dr. Kissinger has deliberately misled
the Congress and the American people on numerous occasions
The United States entered its Bicentennial Year with great hoopla and fanfare. But
not even the star-spangled splendors served up by television, nor the less palatable
pap pouring forth from politicians, could hide the stark reality: The United States is
failing as leader of the Free World. It is being outflanked, outgunned, and out-
maneuvered by the world communist movement.
A nation which had an unquestioned eight-hundred percent strategic military
superiority over the soviet Union in 1960 was settling, sixteen years later, for second-
place status. A country which led Europe and Japan to post-war recovery was itself
being ravaged by inflation, recession, and unemployment.
A people who had never before lost a war watched helplessly as thousands of lives
and billions of dollars were dumped into a conflict halfway around the world, while
our own leaders said victory was not our goal. After 50,000 American lives had been
lost, a sham "peace" was arranged -- and within three months three former allies were
clutched in Communist hands.
As Red insurgency broke out in Thailand, burma and Malaysia, the Philippines
decided to mend fences with communist china, North Korea again threatened to
invade the South, and Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, and even Australia wondered aloud
just how far they could count on the American presence in the Pacific.
The United States had already "opened the door" to mainland china, whose leaders
are unquestionably the bloodiest mass murderers in human history. Red China
practiced a smiling and beguiling diplomacy toward the West, while serving as the
world's major pusher of drugs.
In europe, a crumbling North Atlantic Treaty Organization was racked by
dissension and outgunned by the Warsaw Pact military alliance. Marxists seized
power in Portugal, the new regime in Greece was intermittently hostile to the United
States, communist Party strength in France and Italy was at an all-time high, and the
Mediterranean was thoroughly dominated by the Russian fleet.
In the Middle East, a "peace" treaty had sown the seeds for a much greater war to
come, the Suez Canal was opened to Communist vessels but denied to ships of the
U.S. Navy, and russian "advisers" were moving into Africa by the tens of thousands.
Each sharp soviet thrust was met by a listless, ineffectual response from the United
While Red china was reporting its eighteenth nuclear test, the Soviet nuclear-
powered submarines began operating from cuba, Russian vessels played cat-and-
mouse with an anemic American fleet in the Pacific, and the massive soviet fishing
fleet came very near to driving the U.s. fishing industry out of business.
In our own hemisphere,
-numbed negotiators were simultaneously
maneuvering to lift the U.S. quarantine of communist cuba, and, in outright defiance
of Congress, were plotting to give away the Panama Canal.
As the communist world grew more powerful and more brazen, it was official
United States policy to facilitate the wholesale gift of American advanced technology
and sophisticated equipment to the Red bloc. While the United States experienced
double-digit inflation, its government secretly negotiated to give millions of dollars
worth of foodstuffs to the Communists on credit. And while the energy crisis grew
worse, our weird policies had the dual effect of limiting U.S. production of oil while
increasing the price of foreign imports.
At home, Congress and the communications media were questioning not the
demonstrably growing Communist subversion and terror in this country, but the perils
posed by our own security agencies. While the FBI reported that there were at least
15,000 terrorists operating in the U.S., many openly encouraged, if not supplied and
directed, by foreign powers, the United States was dismantling or hand-cuffing every
major governmental unit charged with investigating such assaults on our security.
The American taxpayers continued to pay the lion's share of all expenses for the
United Nations, which is dominated by a gaggle of Marxist dictatorships and "third
world" totalitarians. The American host was abused by this parasitic combine
virtually every day, often by member "governments" that practiced a bestiality and
savagery usually associated with Stone Age tribes. And, when the United States
finally appointed an Ambassador who would (verbally at least) give as good as he got,
he received so little support and so much criticism from our own State Department
that he quit in disgust.
To any objective observer, it must have appeared that American leaders had
followed Alice in her trip through the looking glass. Or perhaps a collective madness
had struck New York and Washington simultaneously. How else can we explain such
an amazing tangle of setbacks and surprises, mistakes and miscalculations, disastrous
blunders and humiliating defeats?
Was this catastrophic foreign policy what most Americans expected when, in 1968
and 1972, they gave a thumping majority to a man who was hailed as "the
conservative, businessman's President"?
Certainly not.
Do a majority of Americans favor recognizing Red Cuba? Do they really concur
in our abandoning the Panama Canal? Are they for one-sided wheat deals and
technological giveaways to the Soviets? Do they agree that the Soviet Lend-Lease
debt to the U.S. should be cancelled, that billions of dollars in other loans should be
forgotten? That the United States accept a lesser role in world affairs -- become a
second-rate power, no longer capable of defending its allies or its own freedom? Of
course not!
The obvious truth is that a majority of American, armed with the above
information, would oppose these policy decisions. This political fact of life was
reflected in the campaign rhetoric of 1976, as the Administration pushed such
unpleasant subjects as the Panama giveaway and the consequences of
to a
back burner.
As children we read in
Gulliver's Travels
of how the normal-sized Gulliver,
washed ashore on an island run by diminutive Lilliputians, was captured and tied
down by his tiny hosts. gulliver possessed more than enough strength to smash all of
Lilliput -- at first. And yet, he found himself completely at the mercy of the
Lilliputians. He had been bound down, while he slept, by thousands of tiny threads.
Each single strand could have been broken, but the cumulative effect of all of them
put Gulliver totally under the power of his enemies.
The United States today is in much the same, if you will pardon the pun, bind.
This giant of the world, possessor of the greatest productive capacity in the history of
man, with its awesome defensive and offensive power, is being immobilized by a
seemingly endless array of isolated acts. But the net effect of
of the pacts,
agreements, treaties, and accords is to paralyze American strength just as surely as
Gulliver was held down by his physically inferior captors.
Undergirding this book is the conviction that what has happened to the United
States, and what continues to happen -- this incredible lopsided weakening of the
United States, while we pursue policies that support and strengthen our enemies -- is
not the result of mere happenstance.
We believe that much of what is happening in the world today can be explained by
one single, terrible word: conspiracy. The basic outline of the plot, the historical
background and present purposes of the most important protagonists, have been
discussed by the author in two previous works (None Dare Call It Conspiracy and The
Rockefeller File) It is not our purpose to replow all of that ground again here.
Yes, we believe it is possible for moral, intellectually honest men to believe in
globalism, the evolution of a world government, the need to reduce tensions, to "build
bridges of understanding", and similar slogans. We also believe that the great
majority of persons promoting such policies are sincere and well-meaning. We can
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