Gay Times – UK – February 2015, Gay magazyny

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//-->LOOKINGSERIES TWOJONATHANGROFF ANDRUSSELLTOVEY DOTHE DIRTYFOXIS COMINGFOR YOU!FREDDIETVHEUE!TISSorld’sywaThegest gbig showsINTERVIEWS WITHTHE CAST OFRUSSELL T DAVIES’CUCUMBERANDBANANAAndyMientusOn playingTV’s first gaysupervillainin The FlashMichelleVisage“Why I’mreally doingCelebrity BigBrother!”WOMAN’SWORLDLauren Harrieson her newtrans danceanthemFEBRUARY 2015UK £4.30THE ORIGINAL GAY MAGAZINEMY NIGHTWITH REGPaying tributeto a fallenplaywrightFifth Harmony/Tyger Drew-Honey/Michelle Gomez/Judge Rinder/OK GoWONDERJOCKT E C H N O L O G Yb e tte r li f tenha nce s sh apeclas si c f itpats t a n driots t r o n gfree shipping worldwide100% satisfaction guaranteeproudly australian[02/15]EditorDARREN SCOTTAssistant EditorRYAN BUTCHERStaff WriterBENJAMIN BUTTERWORTHDesign & Art DirectionMARK KINGEditor-at-largeJOHN MARRSMusicBOB HENDERSONColumnists2 LOVELY GAYS, LUKE ALEXANDER,MICHAEL ALIG, PJ BRENNAN, BENJAMIN COHEN,GASTRO GAYS, THE GUYLINER, CHRIS JONES, EDDKIMBER, MICHELLE VISAGE, MIKEY WALSHContributorsLUCIANA BERGER, BEN BLACKALL,STEPHEN CONWAY, MATT CROCKETT, JOHNELSWORTH, ROBERT GERSHINSON, MIKE HIRD,LEIGH KEILY, BRYAN KIRKWOOD, JOE MCCORMICK,TIM MITCHELL,ANDREW MORRISON-GURZA, JUSTINMYERS, MATT RISLEY, LEE ROBERTS,ALEJANDROSANTIAGO,UMAR SARWAR, LUKE SMITH, JONATHANWALIK, JORDAN WELSHER, ANDREW WHITTY, TOMWICKER, HON JIUN WONGPug-at-largeTOBYCover imageBEN BLACKALLgogglebox[36]Thanks toKELLY APPLEGATE (Paradigm Agency),KATY ARDAGH (Premier), BRYAN BALDWIN (SofferNamoff), SCOTT BOUTE (Serge PR), RUTH BRAY(Premier), JENNIFER CHAPMAN (CLD Communications),LUCY CONNOLLY (Lime Pictures), CLAIR DOBBS (CLDCommunications), MICHAEL GEISER (PMK•BNC), SETHHAUER (HBO), CHELSEA HAYES (Slate PR), CHRISHICKS (BBC Worldwide), ELENA KEMP (C4), JAMESLEVER (Jo Allan PR), ROBYN MCMURRAY (C4), JOEPARRY (Division PR), VICTORIA RAEBURN-WALES(Prosper PR), EDWARD RUSSELL (Erlectro Music), ALEXSAYER (CLD Communications), VICTORIA SHIRES (ITV),GEOFF SOFFER (Soffer Namoff), JENNIFER SUTCLIFFE(Bacchus PR), TIM WEST (Premier), HALEIGH WILLIAMS(HBO), CHRIS WORWOOD (C4)Design & Production ManagerALEXANDER SMITHMedia Copy Sales and Marketing ManagerGAVIN MURPHYManagement AccountantARNAUD SEGUINGT Advertising SalesASH ALLIBHAI020 7424 7406 Advertising SalesRAJ VALENTINO020 7424 7457 Advertising SalesJOAO VASCONCELOS020 7424 7451 7424 7400Fax020 7424 7401Sales/Distribution020 7424 7400Fax020 7424 7401Editorial addressGT, Spectrum House, Unit M,32-34 Gordon House Road, London, NW5 1LPNewstrade distributionConde Nast and NationalMagazine Distributors Limited, Unit 3, Tavistock Road,West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7QETel:01895 433 600Newstrade UK0844 856 0637For UK prices see advert on p21Subscriptions Overseas01795 414 896Printed in the UK byWyndeham GroupDisclaimerAll copyrights and trademarks are recognisedPUBLISHED BY MILLIVRES PROWLER LTDChief ExecutiveSIMON TOPHAMStrategy DirectorJAMES FROSTMedia & Marketing DirectorKIM WATSON F IDMOperations DirectorROBERT HANWELLFinancial DirectorANTHONY[60]Gay Times magazinewas founded in 1984by CHRIS GRAHAM-BELL and ALEX MCKENNA© 2015 GAY TIMES All rights reserved ISSN: 0950-6101The mention or appearance or likeness of any person or organisation in articlesor advertising in GAY TIMES is not to be taken as any indication of the sexual,social or political orientation of such persons or organisations. When does thenew series of Vicious start then? No responsibility can be assumed for anyunsolicited materials, and submission is construed as permission to publishwithout further correspondence and the fee payable (if any) at our usual rates.Advertisers are advised that all copy is their sole responsibility under the TradesProtections Act and must comply with the British Code of Advertising Practice.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, storedin a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior writtenpermission of the publishers.41[80][contents]LETTER FROM THE EDITORAt last! Proper gays-on-the-telly-drama. It feels likeour lady-loving sisters havehad the monopoly on TVprogrammes in recent years,and while there are many gayand bi male characters ontelevision now – and yes, there are, whether youthink they ‘represent’ or not – it’s always good tohave a ‘proper’ show that we can relate to. Andyes, I’m harking back to Queer As Folk here. Formany, many people it was life-changing. So ofcourse it’s a joy to finally see Russell T Davies’sequel, of sorts, make it to the screen. I’m aself-confessed RTD fan and it feels like I’ve beenasking him about this every time we’ve spokenfor years. I don’t know what we’ll talk about now.Who’s secretly gay, probably. But Cucumberand Banana – and online ‘real life’ series Tofu– aren’t just about gay and bi men. It’s abouteveryone. Across the three – brilliant – shows it’spretty much as all-encompassing as you can be.Which isn't quite Looking's manifesto, but themore the merrier as the bearded, checked-shirt-wearing men of San Francisco return for a secondseries this month. Honestly, it's like waiting fora bus... We also caught up with TV's first gaysupervillain, as played by out actor Andy Mientusin The Flash, and the UK’s answer to Judge Judy– Judge Rinder, another out man on national TV.Probably couldn't have seen that coming whenQueer as Folk first hit screens... But it’s not allabout the boys, because of course we’ve beenchatting to some fabulous ladies too. LaurenHarries wants to conquer the charts with her newsingle and Michelle Gomez, well she just wants toconquer the universe, frankly. Who are we to sayno? As they say, stay tuned...■Darren Scott@darren_scott[58]first06Fitty at the front12Michelle Visage14Fifth Harmony16Mikey Walsh20Tyger Drew-Honey24Sweetie, Darling?[90]style76Red for filth80Tower block86Groomingentertainment90Lauren Harries94Music98My Night with Reg102Movies105Geek106Technews26HIV and Hollyoaks28News debate30Auschwitz34Ben Cohenreal lifefeatures36Cucumber, Banana, Tofu54The Flash: Andy Mientus58Judge Rinder60Looking[12]109Readers’ Lives110Disabled sex115Michael Alig117Luke Alexander118The Guyliner121PJ Brennan122Fit with Chris Jones1252 Lovely Gays126Home style128Edd Kimber129Gastro Gays130Modern familytravel132Looking: San FranciscoEISSUTNEXSALEYONEBRUARF18SUBSCRIBEAND SAVE38%ON THECOVER PRICEFOR DETAILSSEEPAGE [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
