Gay Times – UK – May 2015, Gay magazyny

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//-->THE BODY ISSUEWHAT YOU REALLYTHINK ABOUTYOUR BODY!Bad boys inkWhy do we lovethe tattoo look?Hair today...How do you copewith the fall out?Katie PriceWould you pay tolook like her?FEO SGAMONEioTHRce NRee ikes astr osepCAMERON,MILIBANDAND CLEGGANSWER YOURQUESTIONSYears & YearsMeet the gaynew face of popDaredevilCharlie Cox isMarvel’s heroGE15Avengersassemble! Again!CHRISEVANSMichael Urie/Imelda Staunton/David Beckham/Kelly Clarkson/Josh GrobanMAY 2015UK £4.30THE ORIGINAL GAY MAGAZINE[05/15]EditorDARREN SCOTTAssistant EditorRYAN BUTCHEREditorial AssistantWILLIAM CONNOLLYDesign & Art DirectionMARK KINGEditor-at-largeJOHN MARRSStyleSTEPHEN CONWAYMusicBOB HENDERSONColumnists2 LOVELY GAYS, LUKE ALEXANDER,MICHAEL ALIG, PJ BRENNAN, BENJAMIN COHEN,GASTRO GAYS, THE GUYLINER, CHRIS JONES, EDDKIMBER, MICHELLE VISAGE, MIKEY WALSHContributorsMICHAEL AMATT, DR HARPAL BAINS,EDDIE BLAGROUGH, JAMES BURTON, BENJAMINBUTTERWORTH, SIMON BUTTON, MARK BYRON,CHARELLE CAWTHORN, MATT CROCKETT, EDWARDDYSON, ROBERT GERSHINSON, MIKE HIRD,EVAN HUANG, ALISON KYLE, THOMAS LING, JOEMCCORMICK, SIAN MACLEOD, CHRIS MANDLE, TIMMITCHELL, JUSTIN MYERS, MATT RISLEY, LUKESMITH, DR ANITA STURNHAM, LILY-BETH THAKEPug-at-largeTOBYCover imageARMANDO GALLOwe can be heroes[38]Thanks toKATHERINE BAWDEN (Warner Music),MATTHEW BENNETT (Steve Reed MP), ANNABELCROWHURST (Toast Press), KATIE DANIELS (Coty),BETH DRAKE (Toast Press), MYRDDIN EDWARDS (LiberalDemocrats), GRACE FUNG (Coty), CAROLINE GRAY (MikeFreer MP), CHARLOTTE KELLOWAY (Liberal Democrats),TERESA KOWALSKI (DDA PR), MARTIN KYRAN (FoalBrand Grooming), MATTHEW LAZA (Labour Party),SPENCER LIVERMORE (Labour Party), ALEXANDERMILWARD (Kate Morley PR), ARABELLA NEVILLE-ROLFE (Target Live), STU OAKLEY (Disney), WILLIAMPETT (Stephen Williams MP), ASHLEIGH RICHARDSON(Disney), MICHAEL SALTER (Prime Minister’s Office),JANINE SHALOM (Premier), PETER DA SILVA (BoutiqueDa Silva), JAMES STEWART (Labour Party)Design & Production ManagerALEXANDER SMITHMedia Copy Sales & Marketing ManagerGAVIN MURPHYManagement AccountantARNAUD SEGUINGT Advertising SalesASH ALLIBHAI020 7424 7406 Advertising SalesRAJ VALENTINO020 7424 7457 Advertising SalesJOAO VASCONCELOS020 7424 7451 7424 7400Fax020 7424 7401Sales/Distribution020 7424 7400Fax020 7424 7401Editorial addressGT, Spectrum House, Unit M,32-34 Gordon House Road, London, NW5 1LPNewstrade distributionConde Nast and NationalMagazine Distributors Limited, Unit 3, Tavistock Road,West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7QETel:01895 433 600Newstrade UK0844 856 0637For UK prices see advert on p21Subscriptions Overseas01795 414 896Printed in the UK byWyndeham GroupDisclaimerAll copyrights and trademarks are recognisedPUBLISHED BY MILLIVRES PROWLER LTDChief ExecutiveSIMON TOPHAMStrategy DirectorJAMES FROSTMedia & Marketing DirectorKIM WATSON F IDMOperations DirectorROBERT HANWELLFinancial DirectorANTHONY Times magazinewas founded in 1984by CHRIS GRAHAM-BELL and ALEX MCKENNA© 2015 GAY TIMES All rights reserved ISSN: 0950-6101The mention or appearance or likeness of any person or organisation in articlesor advertising in GAY TIMES is not to be taken as any indication of the sexual,social or political orientation of such persons or organisations. “Stop relying onthat body!” No responsibility can be assumed for any unsolicited materials, andsubmission is construed as permission to publish without further correspondenceand the fee payable (if any) at our usual rates. Advertisers are advised that allcopy is their sole responsibility under the Trades Protections Act and mustcomply with the British Code of Advertising Practice. All rights reserved. No partof this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmittedin any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording orotherwise without the prior written permission of the publishers.[26][contents]LETTER FROM THE EDITORI’ve never been, inparticular, all about being‘fit’. By either definition.Firstly, I’m quite lazy.Secondly, I don’t believethat having a ripped,muscular body will makeme ‘fit’ in the sense of it making me attractive.So I’ve just plodded along – sometimes literally– as I am. While I’ve never been particularlyfat, I’ve certainly been significantly large attimes, and I’m definitely more than a little bitwobbly now. I could spout some life-affirming‘meme-esque’ quote about loving yourself,and all that palaver, but if you don’t already,you’re most likely not going to listen. As I writethis, I’ve started a ‘detox’. After I agreed to saiddetox, I was told it would include a ‘work out’three times a week. We’ll see about that. Butthe point is, I’m willing to make a change – andnot because I want to have a summer body orwashboard abs. I just don’t want to go up anothersize in trousers. Why’s that? That’s a state ofmind, surely. Because I’m not influenced bybodies on billboards, posters or magazines.And neither should you be… Everyone has theirbody issues, and that’s what we’re looking atthis month, in an in-depth GT survey, as well asseveral features focusing on other body partsrather than just your torso. Of course, the othersignificant change you could – or should – becontributing to this month is more political thanphysical, with the General Election looming.Slightly condescending, I apologise, but pleasevote. You have no right to complain if thingsdon’t go your way, otherwise. And then we’rehopefully one step nearer towards one of us atleast being in better shape...■Darren Scott@darren_scott[46]first06GT Fitty12Michelle Visage14Josh Groban16David Beckham20Michael Urie[98]style80Double trouble84Reece Noi92Grooming----------entertainment98Kelly Clarkson102Imelda Staunton104Movies107Geek108Tech----------22Mikey Walsh24Sweetie, Darling?----------news26David Cameron30Ed Miliband32Nick Clegg----------real life111Readers’ Lives112Is the Price right?117Michael Alig119Benjamin Cohen120The Guyliner123Positive Luke125PJ Brennan126Fit with Chris Jones1312 Lovely Gays132Home style134Edd Kimberfeatures38Chris Evans46The GT Body Survey54Body: Do you measure up?58Body: Hair today...64Body: Tattoos70Charlie Cox74Years and Years135Gastro Gays[70]136Modern Family----------travel138Newquay----------EISSUTNEXSALEON3 MAY1SUBSCRIBEAND SAVE30%ON THECOVER PRICEFOR DETAILSSEEPAGE [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
