Gay Times Magazine - UK, Gay magazyny

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//-->KIERON & PARRYNew Hollyoakscouple strippedin a hot tub!HERE’SEastEndershearthrob onthe future ofPaul and BenChemsex secretsMeet the gay mengoing to chill outsCloset cultureThe dangers of gayliving in Sri LankaackkaJ andrgayAenTe niusgeJONNY!Edinburgh FringeOur essential guideto the hottest shows!The new F-wordCan homophobiaever be ‘banter’?Pink politicsWill Britain have itsfirst openly gay PM?WENTWORTHPRISONBehind barswith the starsof TV’s bestdramaRUPAUL’SDRAG RACEWhat’s nextfor Pearl andGinger?Julian Clary/Courtney Act/MS MR/Jeremy Irvine/Craig Robert Young/John NewmanAUGUST 2015THE ORIGINAL GAY MAGAZINEVAUXHALL ADAMOfficial Government Test Environmental Data. Fuel consumption figures mpg (litres/100km) and CO2emissions (g/km). ADAM S 1.4i 150PS Turbo: Urban: 37.2Car shown is ADAM S 1.4i 150PS Turbo in I’ll be Black with Red n Roll roof colour pack and Morrocana Recaro seats.Design your very own unique ADAM from a palette of 19 body colours, 7 roof and mirrorcolours and 25 alloy wheels. There’s no end of combinations of exterior and interioraccessories and trims, and hi-tech gizmos galore.Go create at, Extra-urban: 57.6 (4.9), Combined: 47.9 (5.9). CO2emissions: 139g/km.[08/15]EditorDARREN SCOTTDeputy EditorRYAN BUTCHEROnline EditorJOSH WITHEYEditorial AssistantWILLIAM CONNOLLYDesign & Art DirectionMARK KINGDesignPHIL WHITEEditor-at-largeJOHN MARRSStyle EditorSTEPHEN CONWAYColumnists2 LOVELY GAYS, LUKE ALEXANDER,MICHAEL ALIG, PJ BRENNAN, BENJAMIN COHEN,GASTRO GAYS, THE GUYLINER, CHRIS JONES, EDDKIMBER, MICHELLE VISAGE, MIKEY WALSHContributorsJAMES BURTON, BENJAMINBUTTERWORTH, SIMON BUTTON, HARRY CLAYTON-WRIGHT, TOM CROWE, MATT CROCKETT, JOECKERSLEY, BOB HENDERSON, MATT HORWOOD,FABIANA DE GIORGIO, MIKE HIRD, JESSICA LINDSAY,RHYS MATHEWS, JOE MCCORMICK, TIM MITCHELL,MARIO MUGAN, JUSTIN MYERS, MATT RISLEY, LIAMRUDDEN, ROSS SEMPLE, DARRYL WHITEPug-at-largeTOBYDeputy Pug-at-largeFERGUSCover imageLEIGH KEILYThanks toCHRIS BOYD (Curzon), SARAH BRAYBOOKE(Scribe), ALEXANDRA BUCHANAN (AmandaMalpass), REBECCA CANDLER (Fremantle), DAVIDCHARPENTIER (Producer Entertainment), LUCYCONNOLLY (Lime Pictures), KELLY DAVIS (Fremantle),JEFF DORTA (Project Publicity), FIONA DUNCAN(Universal), LEN EVANS (Project Publicty), EMMAFAWCETT (Fremantle), KATIE FRENCH (KP PR), KEVINGIBSON (Universal), NEIL LAIDLAW, ZHANA LEESON(Channel 5), JAKE LEMMENES (Producer Entertainment),ELLE MCATAMNEY (Fetch), CLAIRE MULVEY (Channel5), BETH HEATH NETHERTON (Impressive PR), SARAH-JANE PEYTON (BBC), ROBYN MCMURRAY (Channel 4),JUMANA RIZWAN (Channel 5), JACOB SLANE (ProducerEntertainment), ANDREW TAYLOR (Andrew TaylorManagement), CHELSEA YEARSLEY (Lime Pictures),Design & Production ManagerALEXANDER SMITHMedia Copy Sales & Marketing ManagerRORY GARRIOCKManagement AccountantARNAUD SEGUINGT Advertising SalesASH ALLIBHAI020 7424 7406 Advertising SalesRAJ VALENTINO020 7424 7457 Advertising SalesJOAO VASCONCELOS020 7424 7451 7424 7400Fax020 7424 7401Sales/Distribution020 7424 7400Fax020 7424 7401Editorial addressGT, Spectrum House, Unit M,32-34 Gordon House Road, London, NW5 1LPNewstrade distributionConde Nast and NationalMagazine Distributors Limited, Unit 3, Tavistock Road,West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7QETel:01895 433 600Newstrade UK0844 856 0637For UK prices see advert on p23Subscriptions Overseas01795 414 896Printed in the UK byWyndeham GroupDisclaimerAll copyrights and trademarks are recognisedPUBLISHED BY MILLIVRES PROWLER LTDChief ExecutiveSIMON TOPHAMStrategy DirectorJAMES FROSTMedia & Marketing DirectorKIM WATSON F IDMOperations DirectorROBERT HANWELLFinancial DirectorANTHONY MARTINCommercial DirectorBEN her![38][86][72] Times magazinewas founded in 1984by CHRIS GRAHAM-BELL and ALEX MCKENNA© 2015 GAY TIMES All rights reserved ISSN: 0950-6101The mention or appearance or likeness of any person or organisation in articlesor advertising in GAY TIMES is not to be taken as any indication of the sexual,social or political orientation of such persons or organisations. “You don’t run thisprison. I do.” No responsibility can be assumed for any unsolicited materials, andsubmission is construed as permission to publish without further correspondenceand the fee payable (if any) at our usual rates. Advertisers are advised that allcopy is their sole responsibility under the Trades Protections Act and mustcomply with the British Code of Advertising Practice. All rights reserved. No partof this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmittedin any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording orotherwise without the prior written permission of the publishers.41[contents]LETTER FROM THE EDITORIgnorance is bliss.Truly, it must be. I spokewith someone veryrecently who wasn’taware that marriagehadn’t been an option forall people in Americauntil but a few weeks ago. I was surprised, butmaybe I really shouldn’t have been.Don’t get me wrong, you know I don’t careabout the constant coverage of the marriageaspect of it – I care about the being equal partof equality. But that’s not the point – apart frombeing bleedingly obvious. The point was that, inan age where we’ve never had more informationliterally at our fingertips, I’m surprised peoplecan still live in a world of their own making.Perhaps that’s the age of the selfie for you,perhaps it’s just a much better place to live. Orperhaps it’s still a worry, because it often resultsin knee-jerk online reactions to things peopledon’t really understand or know enough about.And yes, you could say, ‘What are you doingabout it?’ We could pump out information – andremind people of world facts – 24/7 and peoplestill wouldn’t see things, and often the biggerpicture. Because ignorance IS bliss, and it’seasier to have an opinion and pass judgementon a topic you haven’t read than to take precioustime out of busy lives to fully understand.We need to look up from our smartphones,our tablets, our mindless social media andbe reminded of the real world once in a while.Because it’s a frightening thought to be remindedthat what is given can still be, and in manyplaces around the world has been, taken away.■Darren Scott@darren_scott[12]first06GT Fitty12Julian Clary14Michelle Visage16Jeremy Irvine20Dan Cohen----------[62]style77Packing it88Splendor in the grass92Ben Cohen----------entertainment98MS MR104Craig Young107Geek108Tech----------28Sweetie, Darling?news30Analysis: A gay PM?32Debate: Faggot34Heroes: Jack Andraka36Benjamin Cohen----------real life111Reader’s Lives112Real life117Mikey Walsh119Michael Aligfeatures38Jonny Labey48Wentworth54Edinburgh Fringe62RuPaul’s Drag Race66Chill outs72James Keegan76Hollyoaks----------120The Guyliner123Positive Luke125PJ Brennan126Fit with Chris Jones1292 Lovely Gays130Home style132Edd Kimber133Gastro Gays134Modern Family----------travel[48]136Halloween Horror Nights----------EISSUTNEXSALERONPTEMBEE2SSUBSCRIBEAND SAVE30%ON THECOVER PRICEFOR DETAILSSEEPAGE [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
