Gay Times Magazine - UK (September 2015), Gay magazyny

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//-->GAY PRESSEXCLUSIVEWhy John Grantis the voice ofa generationofarsckyyeRorehe r PictuT orHor Show40England rugby ace on homophobia in sport(as Keegan Hirst comes out)Kinky BootsYour guide to thebest show in townGay asylum seekersThe truth behindthe rumoursMark BinghamRemembering9/11’s gay heroJohn WatersTalking about everyfilm he’s ever madeVAUXHALL ADAMOfficial Government Test Environmental Data. Fuel consumption figures mpg (litres/100km) and CO2emissions (g/km). ADAM S 1.4i 150PS Turbo: Urban: 37.2Car shown is ADAM S 1.4i 150PS Turbo in I’ll be Black with Red n Roll roof colour pack and Morrocana Recaro seats.Design your very own unique ADAM from a palette of 19 body colours, 7 roof and mirrorcolours and 25 alloy wheels. There’s no end of combinations of exterior and interioraccessories and trims, and hi-tech gizmos galore.Go create at, Extra-urban: 57.6 (4.9), Combined: 47.9 (5.9). CO2emissions: 139g/km.[09/15]play ballEditorDARREN SCOTTDeputy EditorRYAN BUTCHEROnline EditorJOSH WITHEYEditorial AssistantWILLIAM CONNOLLYDesign & Art DirectionMARK KINGDesignPHIL WHITEEditor-at-largeJOHN MARRSStyle EditorSTEPHEN CONWAYColumnists2 LOVELY GAYS, LUKE ALEXANDER,MICHAEL ALIG, PJ BRENNAN, BENJAMIN COHEN,GASTRO GAYS, THE GUYLINER, CHRIS JONES, EDDKIMBER, MICHELLE VISAGE, MIKEY WALSHContributorsJAMES BURTON, BENJAMINBUTTERWORTH, SIMON BUTTON, MATT CROCKETT,DEAN EASTMOND, BOB HENDERSON, MIKE HIRD,RUTH HUNT, ELLEN JOHNSON, JESSICA LINDSAY,THOMAS LING, SIGNE MADARA, RHYS MATHEWS, JOEMCCORMICK, TIM MITCHELL, BETHANY MOSETTIG,JUSTIN MYERS, MATT RISLEY, CHARLIE TAYLOR-SMITH, DARRYL WHITE, CRAIG YOUNGPug-at-largeTOBYDeputy Pug-at-largeFERGUSCover imageLEE FAIRCLOTHThanks toJO ALLAN (Jo Allan PR), MOLLY BARNETT(Kinky Boots, NY), MARION BENTLEY (Channel 4), EMMABURCH (BBC Worldwide), THOMAS HORMBY (BinghamCup), MATT HORWOOD (Stonewall), LAUREN LUNNFARROW (Lunn Farrow Media), DUNCAN JORDAN (BellaUnion), JAMES LEVER (Jo Allan PR), DAVID MALIK(Fear PR), IAIN MCCALLUM (Tiger Aspect Productions),CHRIS PAGE (Inspire Sports Management), STEVENPAILING (Tieline Productions), LIZ PARKINSON (BFI),MO QAZALBASH (LD Digital), TESS SHENNAN (JoAllan PR), HANNAH STOCKTON (Jo Allan PR), OLIVIATHOMAS (Lunn Farrow Media), STUART TUCKER (TielineProductions), SABRINA WEISS (Air Canada)Design & Production ManagerALEXANDER SMITHMedia Copy Sales & Marketing ManagerRORY GARRIOCKManagement AccountantARNAUD SEGUINGT Advertising SalesASH ALLIBHAI020 7424 7406 Advertising SalesRAJ VALENTINO020 7424 7457 VASCONCELOS020 7424 7451 7424 7400Fax020 7424 7401Sales/Distribution020 7424 7400Fax020 7424 7401Editorial addressGT, Spectrum House, Unit M,32-34 Gordon House Road, London, NW5 1LPNewstrade distributionConde Nast and NationalMagazine Distributors Limited, Unit 3, Tavistock Road,West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7QETel:01895 433 600Newstrade UK0844 856 0637For UK prices see advert on p23Subscriptions Overseas01795 414 896Printed in the UK byWyndeham GroupDisclaimerAll copyrights and trademarks are recognisedPUBLISHED BY MILLIVRES PROWLER LTDChief ExecutiveSIMON TOPHAMStrategy DirectorJAMES FROSTMedia & Marketing DirectorKIM WATSON F IDMOperations DirectorROBERT HANWELLFinancial DirectorANTHONY MARTINCommercial DirectorBEN GARDNER[38][48]Gay Times magazinewas founded in 1984by CHRIS GRAHAM-BELL and ALEX MCKENNA© 2015 GAY TIMES All rights reserved ISSN: 0950-6101The mention or appearance or likeness of any person or organisation inarticles or advertising in GAY TIMES is not to be taken as any indication of thegot a note from mum, excusing us from PE, actually, Miss. No responsibilitycan be assumed for any unsolicited materials, and submission is construedas permission to publish without further correspondence and the fee payable(if any) at our usual rates. Advertisers are advised that all copy is their soleresponsibility under the Trades Protections Act and must comply with the BritishCode of Advertising Practice. All rights reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without theprior written permission of the publishers.[66][contents]LETTER FROM THE EDITOROh for a time machine! No,not to correct mistakes –that’s a whole other heateddebate. Although actually,who wouldn’t be temptedwith a few lottery numbers…But people often forget, inthis fast-paced new world we live in, that usmagazine people work a little further in advanceof breaking news stories…Which brings me neatly to Mr Keegan Hirst.We chatted with Keegan before his story wasreported in The Mirror, just two days ago, as Iwrite this. We obviously said that he’d be a greatrole model if he did decide to come out, but thatwe respected his right to make that decisionhimself, as and when he wanted to.Of course, we’d already been in the studio withthe brilliant – and BIG! – James Haskell almosta month prior to this, talking about just thosekind of topics. So you could almost say that ourwish came true… And maybe now with Keegantelling us, before his story was published, thathe intends to keep playing, then he can be a rolemodel of another sort, for a new generation.Maybe then we can stop talking about the ‘lasttaboo’ of gay sportsmen.I was interviewed about Keegan – it’s allgetting slightly meta – about whether it was stillan issue. Of course it is. I envy you if you trulylive in a world where you think people with apublic profile coming out doesn’t help someone,somewhere. But let’s not proclaim him a hero –let’s let him get on with living his life without thepressure of having to live it as a lie.And while it’s a shame that, time machinepermitting, we couldn’t get Keegan on our coverthis time, we’re sure we’ll be seeing a lot more ofhim in future. And, more importantly, the peoplehe’s inspired.Darren Scott@darren_scott[56]first06GT Fitty12Gethin Anthony14Michelle Visage15Michael Feinstein20Kerry & Louise24Rebecca Root28Sweetie, Darling?----------[70]120The Guyliner123125PJ Brennan126Fit with Chris Jones129130Home Style132Edd Kimber133Gastro Gays134Modern Family----------news30Gay asylum seekers32Debate: Stonewall34Heroes: Mark Bingham36Benjamin Cohen----------travel136Canada----------features38James Haskell48Jaymi Hensley5256The Rocky HorrorPicture Show60John Waters66John Grant70Natalie Imbruglia74Kinky Boots----------[48]style86On the waterfront94Grooming----------entertainment100Peaches104Screen107Geek108Tech----------EISSUTNEXSALER30real life111112Real life117Mikey Walsh119Michael SAVE30%ON THECOVER PRICEFOR DETAILSSEEPAGE 235 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
