Furniture World - March April 2015, Budownictwo
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//-->CONTENTSFURNITURE WORLD MAGAZINEThe Business Solutions Magazine For Furniture RetailersFOUNDED 1870 • Visit The Industry’s Most Extensive Furniture SiteCover:The New Vintage Collection from Broyhill offers fresh interpretations oftimeless classics. With pieces for bedroom, dining, living room, and entertainment,New Vintage offers designer style and quality construction at a surprisingly afford-able price. The collection is available in four finishes. For more information visitHeritage Home Group at Success Story: Home Inspirations ThomasvilleRetail OperationsEdward and Michael Massood rebrand their New Jersey based stores in an innovative andfun way.20Six Rules For Planning Your Next Big EventPlanning a BIG EVENT is a lot like planning a wedding. It takes time, thought, and budget-ing. Here are ideas to consider if you want to maximize the return on your next big event.24REV up Your Business - Switch To Evidence Based AdvertisingRetail EducationThere are fortunes to be made in retail home furnishings by the entrepreneurs who under-stand how to leverage their offers to dramatically increase market share.34An Opportunity To Keep Your WordWhen can a customer service call be a good thing?42Best Selling DesignEditors’ picks of best selling furniture and accessory designs.Management54Made In AmericaTips from retailers and marketing experts on how to position your company for success if youchoose to promote domestically sourced furniture.64Better Bedding & Mattress Sales: RSA Bedding Sales Training - Part 2This installment provides a checklist of everything your R.S.A.’s need to know, inside and out,about the background knowledge that supports and sustains the sales process.Finance84Improve Performance With Professional Financial PlanningIt’s a fact that the FP&A process increases the odds of retail success, producing better prof-its and cash flow than if you ignored FP&A. Here’s how it works.88Going Where The Money is!Study shows that the 20% of affluent households, that account for more than40% of home furnishings sales, are increasingly shopping at specialty retailers.Retail Success92Helping Before SellingGardner’s Mattress & More presents a system that creates informed prospects, profitable life-long customers, and raving fans.102NAHFA DataLink: What’s In It For You?Details of NAHFA’s new program to make standardized manufacturers’ data freely available.106Give The Lady What She Wants!Hint: It’s not furniture!Member BPAFurniture World Magazine1333A North Ave. #437New Rochelle, NY 10804Tel: 914-235-3095FURNITURE WORLD: (ISSN0738-890X) - Published every other month by Towse Publishing Co., 1333-A North Avenue, #437 New Rochelle, NY 10804.Subscription: $19 per year; $39.00 for 3 years, $29 Canada, $4/copy; Foreign $89; (USD only). Periodical postage paid at New Rochelle, NY and additionalmailing offices. US POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Furniture World, PO Box 16044, St. Louis, MO 63105. Publications Mail Agreement Number41659018. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: PO Box 875, STN A, Windsor ON N9A 6P2. Copyright 2014 Towse Publishing Company, all rightsreserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.US POSTMASTER:Send address changes to: Furniture World Magazine, PO Box 16044, St. Louis, MO 63105.2FURNITURE WORLDMarch/April 2015
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