Genevieve Lewis Paulson - Kundalini The Chakras (High Quality Version), @Yoga

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Are you tired of reading about others' experiences with Kundalini and
the chakras? Or sick of the intellectual sleight-of-hand by which charlatans
have bandied about these concepts without regard for what is really active
and changing within your system? Whenever you feel as though you are
operating a few cylinders short, you are accessing only a portion of your
available Kundalini energy.
It is our birthright to evolve, develop, and become super -people. Life's
simplest problems may have imbalanced or blocked Kundalini flow at their
root. Everyone has Kundalini, just as everyone has sexual impulses. In light
of today's tenor of cosmic flux, not to know about Kundalini is tantamount
to refusing teenagers sex education. The more we know, the more choices
we have.
Whether you have experienced the "big release" spontaneously but have
been ill-equipped to channel its force in a productive manner, or whether
your Kundalini is dormant like a wintering bear but poised to wake up
ravenous for knowledge in the Spring of a new personal consciousness, this
book is your guide to satiating the strange, new appetites which result when
life-in-process "blows open" your body's many energy centers.
As the energies of the Aquarian Age intensify, more and more people
are horrified, frightened or even incapacitated by indescribably powerful
spontaneous Kundalini releases. In many cases, people have no idea what's
happening to them, and, reacting with ignorance to symptoms of illness or
insanity, worsen what already seems like an impossible situation.
For the newcomer to Kundalini and the chakras, this book is a blessing.
It provides detailed instructions for initiating preliminary system -cleansing
in preparation for release. Because Kundalini energy is sometimes so potent
that its "human module" finds it difficult to function in daily routine and
commitments, the author provides methods for moderating or holding its
release in check.
With personal-scale evolution suddenly on a strident quantum-track,
there is a great need for guidance to soften transitions between our various
states of being in our process of evolution. Knowing and understanding
Kundalini does make the process much easier on body, mind, and spirit.
Genevieve Lewis Paulson is the director and owner of Dimensions of Evolvement,
located on 165 acres of the Ozark mountains in Arkansas, a center of psy chic,
personal and spiritual learning, accrediting students in the study of Kundalini energy
Not your typical "new ager," Ms. Paulson is steeped in Western Christian
tradition and once served as administrator of a United Methodist Church. With the
onset of a fierce Kundalini upsurge in 1968 she began her profound energy arousal,
sought accreditation as a group leader in the fields of sensitivity training and conflict
managementstill under the purview of the Churchonly later discovering the
ancient literature to describe the Kundalini awakening she had been undergoing. In
the early 1970s she founded Sunergos, Inc., a spiritual growth center in Chicago.
Where her new experiences might have led her to abandon Western religious beliefs,
she instead found a method to meld two varieties of truth, creating a synthesis of two
great traditions of belief.
At present not content simply to sip herbal tea and watch the turkey buzzards
circle over the Ozarks, Genevieve lives like an itinerant preacher in her second home,
a red pickup truck, counseling and giving workshops throughout the year on a circuit
of cities from Florida to Arizona.
If you wish to contact the author or would like more information abou t this book,
please write to the author in care of Llewellyn Worldwide and we will forward your
request. Both the author and publisher appreciate hearing from you and learning of
your enjoyment of this book and how it has helped you. Llewellyn Worldwide ca nnot
guarantee that every letter written to the author can be answered, but all will be
forwarded. Please write to:
Genevieve Lewis Paulson
c/o Llewellyn Worldwide
P.O. Box 64383-592, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383, U.S.A.
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