Folding Instructions, Książki
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//-->>> Folding InstructionsPATENTPENDINGBASIC Fold -Folds basic S/S T-Shirts1.Openshirt face down ontheFLIPFOLD.2.Fold bottom oftheshirteven with bottom edge o fboard.3.FlippanelAto centerandback.4.FlippanelBto centerandback.DTMACLegendBP A T E N TP E N D I N G5.FlippanelAto centerandback.(flippingsleevein)6.FlippanelCuptocenterandback.You now have a perfectlyfolded shirt!COLLARED Fold -Folds Polo, Golf or any shirt with a collar1.Openshirt face down ontheFLIPFOLD.2.Fold bottom oftheshirteven with bottom edge o fboard.3.FlippanelAto centerandback.4.FlippanelBto centerandback.DTMACLegendBP A T E N TP E N D I N G5.FlippanelAto centerandback.(flippingsleevein)6.FlippanelCuptocenterandback.You now have a perfectlyfolded shirt!FlipFOLD •6550 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 240 • Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 •>> Folding InstructionsPATENTPENDINGLONG SLEEVE -Fold Folds L/S T-shirts and Collared Shirts1.Openshirt face down ontheFLIPFOLD.2.Fold bottom oftheshirteven with bottom edge o fboardandfoldsleevesineven with edge board.3.FlippanelAto centerandback.4.FlippanelBto centerandback.FLIP-tipTMDACLegendP A T E N TP E N D I N G5.FlippanelCuptocenterandback.You now have a perfectlyfolded shirt!Whenflippingandfolding,move the boards quicklyand firmly - this allows fora flat, neat fold, getting alltheairout.BSWEAT SHIRT / SWEATER Fold -Folds bulky, L/S or hooded sweatshirts1.Openshirt face down ontheFLIPFOLD.2.Fold bottom oftheshirteven with bottom edge o fboardandfoldsleevesineven with edge board3.FlippanelAto centerandback.4.FlippanelBto centerandback.FLIP-tipTMDACLegendP A T E N TP E N D I N G5.FlippanelCuptocenterandback.You now have a perfectlyfolded shirt!Sweatshirts are bulky, somake your last fold byhand.Ifyoursweatshirt ishooded,foldhoodINevenwiththeedgeoftheboard.BFlipFOLD •6550 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 240 • Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 •>> Folding InstructionsPATENTPENDINGPRINT Fold -This fold features prints, graphics, centered on the front or back or shirtMTG N I D N E P T N E T A P1.Openshirt face down ontheFLIPFOLD.2.Fold bottom oftheshirteven with bottom edge o fboard.3.Fold neck intobodyofshirt centeringgraphiconpanelC.4.FlippanelAto centerandback.TMP A T E N TP E N D I N G5.FlippanelBto centerandback.6.FlippanelAto centerandback.(flippingsleevein)7.FlippanelCuptocenterandback.You now have a perfectlyfolded shir thatfeaturesyour graphicst!MONOGRAM / POCKET Fold -Features chest monogram or pocket detail1.Openshirt face down ontheFLIPFOLD.Centerpocket art on panelD.2.Fold bottom oftheshirteven with bottom edge o fboard.3.FlippanelAto centerandback.4.FlippanelBto centerandback.FLIP-tipRemember to offset yourshirt on center panelDfeaturing your design.Play with positioning foridealexposure.DACLegendBTMP A T E N TP E N D I N G5.FlippanelCuptocenterandback.You now have a perfectlyfolded shirtfeaturingchestdetail!FlipFOLD •6550 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 240 • Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 •>> Folding InstructionsPATENTPENDINGSLEEVE Fold(To show sleeve detail)1.Openshirt face down ontheFLIPFOLD.2.Fold bottom oftheshirteven with bottom edge o fboard.3.FlippanelAto centerandback.4.FlippanelBto centerandback.FLIP-tipDo you know what ourholes are for? Theyreduce static allowing airtopassthroughtheboard,eliminating that pullbackeffect.DACLegendTMBP A T E N TP E N D I N G5.FlippanelCuptocenterandback.You now have a perfectlyfolded shirt!XXXL FoldFLIP-tipRemember, if your shirt iswider than theboard, justfoldthesidesinevenwiththeboard’sedge.1.Openshirt face down ontheFLIPFOLD.2.Fold bottom oftheshirteven with bottom edge o fboardandfoldsidesineven with edge ofboard3.FlippanelAto centerandback.DTMACLegendBP A T E N TP E N D I N G4.FlippanelBto centerandback.5.FlippanelCuptocenterandback.You now have a perfectlyfolded shirt!FlipFOLD •6550 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 240 • Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 •>> Folding InstructionsPATENTPENDINGPANT Fold -Folds pants to a uniform size, featuring waistband and pocket detail1.Place waist of pantevenwith panelB.2.Fold leg in so it isevenwithedgeofpanelA.3.FlippanelAto centerandback.DAC3.FlippanelBto centerandback.You now have perfectlyfolded pants!BLegendTOWEL Fold -Folds standard bath and oversized towels1.Opentowelonboard.2a.Fold standard towelinhalf lengthwise and layface down on board.2b.Iftowelisoversized,make sureoverlap isequalontopandbottomof board.(seearrows)3.FlippanelAto centerandback.DTMACBP A T E N TP E N D I N G4.FlippanelBto centerandback.5.FlippanelCuptocenterandback.You now have a perfectlyfolded towel!LegendFlipFOLD •6550 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 240 • Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 •
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