Fitness 101 - October 2014, BODYBUILDING CZASOPISMA

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//-->October 2014|1contentsVOLUME 3|OCTOBER 2014MANIPULATE YOUR HORMONES23263032404448How to manipulate your hormones to shred fat and preserve lean muscleBUILDING AESTHETIC GREATNESSDid the ancient Greeks unlock the key to aesthetic perfection?THE BENEFITS OF DARKCHOCOLATEIn this article we will explain some of the benefits of dark chocolate, but keep in mind,this does not mean that you can indulge in an entire slab before bed every night.REJUVENATE YOUR BODY'S FATBURNING POTENTIALWe give you some top tips to boost your fat lossFRED KRUGERUp close and personal with Fred Kruger.LAURA DANIELZWe meet with fitness model, Laura Danielz.FITNESS COMPATIBILITYWe test the fitness compatibility of couple Fred Kruger and Laura Danielz2|regulars5610121416181920223638EDITOR’S PAGELATEST NEWS: TRAININGLATEST NEWS: SUPPLEMENTSLATEST NEWS: NUTRITIONLATEST NEWS: TECHNOLOGYQ&A: ASK THE EXPERTSQ&A: ASK THE DOCIN THE BOXWORKOUT FIXDID YOU KNOW?RECIPESREVIEWSOctober 2014|31159 - 011 054 0470Trade enquiries welcome | PERFORMANCEULTIMATE HEALTHULTIMATE MUSCLEFollow Us4|| Head Office: 0861 000 638 |[EDITOR’S PAGE]is coming!Welcome to issue 03!This is definitely my favourite time of the year. The sunis sizzling, shirts are off and the smell of braai vleis isin the air. Only two months left to get that beach bodyready in time for the holidays. With that said, welcometo Issue 3! At Fitness 101 we strive to give our readerswhat they want, and in this edition we are going toprovide you with all you need to know to get ready forsummer!Before we get into the mag, I just wanted to sharesome inspiration to get you through the last bit of theyear.Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your DreamThere was a young boy named Monty who didn’t havemuch in life. He came from a poor background andwhen he was a senior in high school he needed to writea paper about what he wanted to do when he grew up.Monty loved horses and his dream was always to ownhis very own horse ranch. That night Monty sat downand wrote a 7 page essay describing his goal in greatdetail. He drew the ranch, the stables, and the size ofthe ranch; he even included a floor plan. He really puta lot of effort into this paper and handed it in the nextday with an anxious and excited feeling, not knowingwhat he was going to get back.To his disappointment, after two days Monty receivedhis paper with a big red F on it. Emotionally crushedand confused he went back to the teacher and askedwhy he received such a disappointing grade. Theteacher replied: “This is a very unrealistic dreamfor a boy like you Monty, you don’t know the firstthing about owning a ranch and you don’t have theresources to make your dream a reality. Having yourown ranch requires a lot of money; money is notjust handed to you, you know. I tell you what, writesomething more realistic and I’ll re-grade the paperfor you”. Monty went home disheartened. All night hethought about what the teacher said and then thoughtabout what other dreams and goals he can set himself.After pondering about it for a week Monty handed inhis paper with no changes at all; he turned in the exactsame paper and stated “You can keep the F, I’ll keepmy dream.”Today Monty owns a 4000 square foot house in themiddle of a 200-acre horse ranch, and has the schoolpaper framed over his fireplace.Moral of the Story: Don’t let anyone steal your dreams.Follow your heart, no matter what. No dream is too bigor too small when one works hard to live it. One shouldalways try making dreams come true no matter what.Here is issue 3, go make that dream happen!Jandre de BeerOctober 2014|5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
