Gay Times - October 2014, Czasopisma
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//-->S3ONICOFARS ESE30 Y Y TIMGAEXCLUSIVEINTERVIEWSBarbra StreisandSir Ian McKellenJoan RiversTony BlairBette MidlerRussell T DaviesAnnie LennoxConchita WurstLord Michael CashmanMark GatissEric McCormack andLeslie JordanJames SuttonJimmy SomervilleHolly JohnsonBoy GeorgeJulian ClaryAndy BellJohn Waters on Divine*1984*SPECIAL COLLECTABLE 30TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION!*2014*THE ORIGINAL GAY MAGAZINEOCTOBER 2014UK £430[10/14]EditorDARREN SCOTTAssistant EditorRYAN BUTCHERStaff WriterBENJAMIN BUTTERWORTHDesign & Art DirectionMARK KINGEditor-at-largeJOHN MARRSMusicBOB HENDERSONColumnists2 LOVELY GAYS, LUKE ALEXANDER,MICHAEL ALIG, PJ BRENNAN, BENJAMIN COHEN,GASTRO GAYS, THE GUYLINER, CHRIS JONES,EDD KIMBER, MICHELLE VISAGE, MIKEY WALSHContributorsSPENCER BRIGHT, ASHLEY CHHIBBER,MATT CROCKETT, JAMES DREYFUS, ROBERTGERSHINSON, MIKE HIRD, CHRISSY ILEY, THOMASKNIGHTS, JAMES KRECZAK, THIBAULT LA DROITTE,LEO LOPEZ, LIV MACARTE, DANIEL MARTIN, TIMMITCHELL, JUSTIN MYERS, MATT RISLEY, LEEROBERTS, WILL ROSS, LUKE SMITHPug-at-largeTOBYf lirty at thirtyThanks toNAS ASGHAR (The Publicity Connection),ROSIE BARTLETT (Rosie Bartlett PR), CHELSEABUSH (Lime Pictures), SHARON CHEVIN (The PublicityConnection), CLAIRE COSTER (Atlantic Records), CLAIRDOBBS (CLD Communications), RACHEL GRANT(Office of Tony Blair), PETER HALL (Partisan PR), KATEHEAD (Stoked PR), DANIEL HINCHCLIFFE (SoundcheckEntertainment), BEN HOPKINS (Warner Music), JUDYKATZ (Katz PR), FRED MELLOR (MBC PR), KABIRNAIDOO (The Unstoppables), GEM PINKNEY (UKTV),ALEX SAYER (CLD Communications), MILLIE TENNANT(MBC PR), TIM WEST (Premier PR), KEVIN WILSON(Kevin Wilson PR), DOUG WRIGHT (LD Communications)Production & Distribution ManagerALEXANDER SMITHIT & Digital ManagementFERNANDO SAFONTMagazine Marketing ExecutiveGAVIN MURPHYManagement AccountantARNAUD SEGUINGT Advertising SalesKEITH MCDONNELL020 7424 7406 Advertising SalesRAJ VALENTINO020 7424 7457 Advertising SalesASH ALLIBHAI020 7424 7451 7424 7400Fax020 7424 7401Sales/Distribution020 7424 7400Fax020 7424 7401Editorial addressGT, Spectrum House, Unit M,32-34 Gordon House Road, London, NW5 1LPNewstrade distribution:Conde Nast and NationalMagazine Distributors Limited, Unit 3, Tavistock Road,West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7QETel:01895 433 600Newstrade UK0844 856 0637Subscriptions Overseas01795 414 896Printed in the UK by:Wyndeham GroupDisclaimer:All copyrights and trademarks are recognisedPUBLISHED BY MILLIVRES PROWLER LTDNon-executive ChairmanCHRIS GRAHAM-BELLManaging DirectorSIMON TOPHAMMedia & Marketing DirectorKIM WATSONOperations DirectorROBERT HANWELLFinancial DirectorANTHONY© 2014 GAY TIMES All rights reserved ISSN: 0950-6101The mention or appearance or likeness of any person or organisation in articlesor advertising in GAY TIMES is not to be taken as any indication of the sexual,social or political orientation of such persons or organisations. RIP Joan Rivers.No responsibility can be assumed for any unsolicited materials, and submissionis construed as permission to publish without further correspondence and the feepayable (if any) at our usual rates. Advertisers are advised that all copy is theirsole responsibility under the Trades Protections Act and must comply with theBritish Code of Advertising Practice. All rights reserved. No part of this publicationmay be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form orby any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwisewithout the prior written permission of the[letter]LETTER FROM THE EDITORThirty yearsis a landmarkin anyrelationship.And whilewe’re not the type to blow ourown trumpet, we don’t thinkwe’re looking too bad for 30 yearsin print. Well, we’re actually40, since we started life asHIM magazine in 1974, beforebecoming Gay Times in 1984. Butdoesn’t every gay person have adifferent age on their profile atsome point in life...I can’t even begin to considerwhat those first writers andeditors – who had no idea theywere at the beginnings of theworlds longest-running gaymagazine – would have imaginedlife would be like in 2014.All those changes, those fights,those battles, those laws. Did theyever think that equality mightmean no one would want a gaymag anymore?But look at us now – still notentirely equal – but Gay Timeshas increased circulation over thepast five years alone, as well asgoing on to become a number oneselling digital magazine.Cut back to those offices in1984: “One day, people will readit on small slabs of metal andglass! No, honestly...”But no one cares aboutmagazines blowing their owntrumpets! It’s not about us.So this isn’t an issue full ofarticles all about how brilliantwe’ve been over the decades – howboring would that be?!In all of the above, those fights,those WARS, were, and still are,our soldiers. Those people whoshouted for our rights, who madeus visible, who supported us, whohelped to make bigoted, old-fashioned opinions change.Gay icons.We’ve heard the term bandiedaround a lot over the last threedecades. Many people seem tothink they’re one, or that the latest‘star offering’ is.But those stripes have to beearned, and this special issue ofGT is our homage to but a merefraction of those people, thosecharacters and those programmesthat have helped shape our lives.But so many!How do you narrow that down?By and large, we’ve focused onthose in the biggest platform forreaching people around the globe– people in the entertainmentindustry. We could, and will, fillhundreds more issues with thoselike you and I that’ve also helpedplay their part.Which meant we picked 30 iconsfrom the last 30 years. And, ofcourse, it’s by no means a listthat ‘ranks’ such people. Thoseare – what’s the word young gaypeople repeat at the moment? –reductive. They mean nothing,with the latest favoured thingbeing given precedent.Here, it’s not meant that oneis better than another, or thatthe person you hold dearest whois absent hasn’t played theirpart – we had a list of hundredsof people we could’ve spokento. That is, after all, what we’vebeen doing for the last 30 years.And isn’t that a great place tobe at, in 2014, that we have toomany gay icons to fit in oneissue of a magazine? Way backwhen, you’d struggle to find afraction of that.We salute them all, and wesalute you – all fighting the fightin your own way and makingthe world that little bit moreaccepting one day at a time. I’mhonoured to have played a tiny,tiny part in that over the last fiveyears at GT, and also to have metand worked with many, manyothers who’ve helped me playthat part. Who knows wherewe’ll be in 30 years from now,but for now, thank you for yoursupport, your feedback and yourgoddamn fabulousness. We’re allicons in our own way.■Darren Scott@darren_scottA smallselectionfrommore than438<coversESSUXT ILENESARONCTOBE29
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