Food & Home Entertaining - August 2015 ZA(1), Czasopisma Kulinarne
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//-->SA’S LEADING FOOD MAGAZINESENSATIONAL60WE ROUND UP THEBRIGHT LIGHTSOFSA’S FOOD INDUSTRYTHEDISHESINSIDEUNBEATABLESWEET HEATOFGINGERWHO KNEWLASAGNECOULD BEMADE IN SOMANY WAYS?A GOLDEN COMBOREINVENTED LIKENEVERBEFOREuedrHerbakstemplsaadwithhorseradishcrèmefraîcheokingforreLoes?VisitfocipwithContentsCOVER STORIES46 TURNING UP THE HEATWe take a peek at multitalented chefJackie Cameron’s new venture54 LUSCIOUS LAYERSA spin on the Italian delicacy, lasagne72 COOKBOOK EXTRACTSarah Graham’s new cookbook,Home. Food from my Kitchen78 TIPPING THE SCALESWe’re thinking out of the box withfirm favourite, fish and chips88 JUST GINGERDelicious ways with this ninja spice96 IT TAKES A VILLAGEThe Imibala Trust’s Sponsor-a-Childprogramme and must-visit eatery104 HOMESPUN AND HEARTFELTChardonnay Deli is all about makingsimple things taste goodandhome.codPhotograph by Graeme Wyllie. Props courtesy of The Jungle and stylist’s ownÁ22eookFomGpoodndromefEntertainingMagazineSAÁ2twitterFomGpriwgÁ2pinterestFomGfoodndhomemgÁ2instgrmFomGfoodndhomesao.zAUGUST 2015FOOD20THE MEATING PLACEA beefed-up banquet you’ll love40IN SEASONThe exotic beauty, kohlrabi8ON THE COVERHerbed rump steak salad withhorseradish crème fraîcheRecipe and styling by CLAIRE FERRANDIPhotograph by GRAEME WYLLIEFEATURES62ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDSShannon Vineyards is producingcharacterful wines and the dishes to go112UNPARALLELED PANAMAHats off to the flavoursome cuisine ofcanal-side Panama City120RECIPE INDEX120STOCKISTS120TRIVIA ANSWERS123SLICE OF LIFENatalie Vice of Sugar and ViceCOMPETITIONS6DEAR FOOD & HOME...Share your views and win a CanonPowerShot S200 camera, worth R3 39927WIN A COPY OFSEVEN SPOONSFive lucky readers can each win a copyof Tara O’Brady’s Indian-inspired debutcookbook, worth R35534SUBSCRIBE & WINSubscribe OR renew your subscriptionand 12 lucky readers stand a chance towin three cases each of Four CousinsSkinny wines, worth R1 52177WIN A COPY OF SARAH GRAHAM’SHOME. FOOD FROM MY KITCHENThree readers will each win a copyof Sarah Graham’s new cookbook,worth R260119WIN WITH KAPAMASOUTHERN CAMPOne lucky reader and a partner canwin a two-night stay at the KapamaSouthern Camp, worth R27 000REGULARS2ED’S LETTER11FOOD BITESNews, trends, shopping, restaurants,decor, products and time savers26BOOKS FOR COOKSThe latest on the cookbook shelves28DRINK UPGet the latest liquid views and news32KITCHEN FILESTips, tricks and nice-to-know info36FRESHJuicy, fresh pineapples in deliciousdishes you’d never imagine118TRIVIAHow well do you know your food? 20151ED'S LETTERCastlehave a ritual everyWomen’s Day that becomesmore precious to me witheach passing year: I takeout my beloved dog-eared,tea-stained copy of the19th-century Americanclassic,Little Women,and open itup at a random page.Call me kooky, but I like to think thatwhichever chapter I land on containsan important message about a lifelesson I need to focus on more duringmy own journey… of course, it’s a loteasier to absorb a lesson when it’s beingtaught by an inimitable and infinitelywise woman like Louisa May Alcott.Among her endearing flock of the Marchfamily’s female siblings in the book –each of them based on Louisa and hersisters during their coming of age – it’sa well-known fact that the character of JoMarch, who is an author and advocatefor social reform, represents Louisa MayAlcott. Perhaps it’s also no wonder thatJo’s quotes are the ones that have stayedIN THE AIRwith me the longest and made me thinkhardest. Not only because they forceyou to look in the mirror and have someserious one-on-one chats with yourself,but also because they’re the ones that,for me, best convey the gift of potential.Being such a commonly used wordthese days, it’s easy to forget howimportant ‘potential’ actually is – morethan being a passing compliment tosomeone whose talent shows promise,being praised as having potentialshould be received by the bearer asa kind of ‘promissory note’ to oneselfto make good on developing naturaltalent to all it can be. Certainly, thegroup of foodie femmes we’re celebratingin this issue understands this – take alook at rising star, Sarah Graham, whosecovetable food blog led to cookbookcontracts and two TV series (Bitten:Sarah Graham Cooks Cape Town,whichpreviously aired on SABC 3, andSarah’sFood Safari,launching later this year onFood Network). See our extract from hernew cookbook,Home. Food from MyKitchen,on page 72. And, as for chefJackie Cameron… having collecteda roomful of accolades when headingup the heady cuisine of much-lovedcountry hotel, Hartford House, in theKZN Midlands, Jackie is now realisingher dream of opening her own chefs’school, the Jackie Cameron School ofFood & Wine. We spend a day in the lifeof Jackie and her students on page 46.With leading ladies like these andmore to whet your appetite for not onlygreat fare, but achieving all you wereborn to do in this life, may we raisea glass to the inspirational women ofthe world and ponder on the words ofJo March, “I’ve got the key to my castlein the air, but whether I can unlock thedoor remains to be seen.”Wishing you an awesome August!What’s your de-stressing, guilty pleasure? Currently,mine is scouring the pages of My Collections, a Cape-based online food store owned and runby husband-and-wife team, Geoff and Sumarie Schreiner. Intrepidtravellers, their ‘wandering food market’is lled notonly with enticing products discoveredthrough theirjourneys bot h locally and abroad, but heart-warminganecdotes and memories to go with them. Featuringsome of my favourite speciality products,like thosefrom The Cooksister and A L’Olivier, I’vealso foundgreat goodies I haven’t come across before. Go on!Take a virtual meander and treat yourself to a littleculinar y pampering.’VE BEENSUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER ANDWE’LL DISH UP A TASTY PLATE FULL OF...handy kitchen tips and useful food factsseasonal recipesexclusive online competitionsmassive subscription savings you’ll be the first to know aboutSCAN THISQR CODEOR VISIT FOODANDHOME.CO.ZATO GET STARTED
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