Food Solution - May 2015, Czasopisma Kulinarne
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//-->Tamari To Go makesgluten free, hassle free.San-J’s convenient Tamari To Go Travel Packs make it easy to bringyour favorite gluten free seasoning with you anytime. Eating in ortaking out — there’s no need to be without the rich, gourmet flavorof San-J Organic Tamari Soy Sauce.©2015 San-J International, Inc. www.san-j.comTABLE OF CONTENTSScienceWhen is it appropriate tointroduce gluten to infants?Leigh Reynolds explains two(somewhat opposing) sidesof the research and providesus with an educated ballparktimeline for first feedinggluten to babies.20NutritionEven if you do not haveceliac disease, Dr. MarkHyman suggests that glutenmay be killing you. Read hislatest on why gluten in thediet may be causing all yourhealth problems and how tosolve them.FoodFrom Cooking with CastIron to nutrition facts anduses for this month’s glu-ten-free whole grain of themonth, Amaranth, as wellas plenty of easy to preparegluten-free recipes, the Foodsection is your one-stop re-source for a delicious monthof meals!26NutritionIs Gluten Free Forever? That’sthe question Dr. Aviva Rommis asking – and answering– in this month’s article onwhether or not a gluten-freediet must be sustained overthe lifetime.1038Editor’s Letter............................................................................................... 4Letters to the Editor................................................................................... 8When Should Gluten be Introduced to Babies ............................... 10Eating Gluten-Free the Right Way ........................................................15Check Up with Dr. Mark Hyman ...........................................................20Is the Gluten-Free Diet Forever? ..........................................................26Celiac Disease Symptoms Checklist ....................................................30Celiac Disease Facts ................................................................................. 32Top 10 Things to Love about Your Gluten-Free Diet ...................... 35Gluten-Free Products To Try Now........................................................36This Month’s Recipes ...............................................................................38Healthy Artichoke Dip............................................................................. 39Chicken Black Bean Wraps.................................................................... 40Mexicana Chili with Quinoa ...................................................................42Belgian Endive & Salsa ............................................................................44Plantain Bacon Fritters ...........................................................................46Editor’s Picks ..............................................................................................48Twice Baked Squash ................................................................................50Quest Raspberry Cheesecake ............................................................... 52Amaranth Whole Grain of the Month.................................................54Decadent Paleo Brownies ......................................................................56Cooking with Cast Iron ............................................................................62Bonus: Upper GI Health...........................................................................65M AY I S S U E / F O O D S O L U T I O N S M A G A Z I N E /03FOODSOLUTIONSEDITOR-IN-CHIEFGigi Stewartgigi@foodsolutionsmag.comCREATIVE SERVICESKreative DirektionsBonjour! I’m writing to you this monthfrom the French countryside, enjoyingthe rolling hills and golden fields of Nor-mandy, where I’ll be living and workinguntil fall. Although we aren’t presentlyon the same continent, you and I are stillconnected by our need to live gluten-freeevery day for our health.While that may seem an insurmountabletask in France, the land of the baguetteand croissant, you may be surprised tolearn it’s really not that different thanin the good ol’ USA. Once you masterthe lingo (gluten-free = sans gluten) andlearn where to look, gluten-free living istres facile (very easy)!Of course, it’s always our goal here at FSM tomake gluten-free living easy for you, whereveryou are. This issue, we are shining the spotlightof awareness on celiac disease in observance ofCeliac Awareness Month during May.Our experts have some fantastic articles forus this month from discussing when to intro-duce gluten to infants to whether or not onemust live gluten-free forever. We also welcomea brand new monthly contributor, Dr. VikkiPeterson of the HealthNOW Medical Center inSunnyvale, California. This month, Dr. Vikki tellsus how to eat gluten-free the right way!And speaking of eating, you’ll find plenty of deli-cious gluten-free recipes in this issue, along witha useful piece on May’s (naturally gluten-free)grain of the month, amaranth. It’s a terrificgluten-free whole grain that is also a completeprotein, perfect for nearly everyone’s diet.Enjoy this, and so much more, and don’t forget– it’s important to spread a positive messageabout celiac disease and gluten-free living everymonth of the year. Why not share FSM withsomeone who may benefit from the fact-basedinformation and the gluten-free recipes in eachissue?! Sometimes it’s the smallest gesture thatmakes the greatest impact. Together, we canmake a difference in the world’s understandingof celiac disease and the need for a gluten-freediet, regardless of where we are.Until next month, have a happy,healthy May!GLUTEN FREECONTRIBUTING WRITERSAviva Romm, MDLisi ParsonsLeigh ReynoldsMark Hyman, MDJill Carnaham, MDDr. Vikki PetersonCOPY EDITORJodi PalmerPUBLISHER & CEOScott R. Yablonsyablon@foodsolutionsmag.comADVERTISING SALES & MARKETINGKMI: 561.637.0396ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTORSErica Singer 201.766.8471Kristen LaBuda 717.574.3739DIRECTOR OF CLIENT SERVICESJody Baratzjody@foodsolutionsmag.comCHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICERBrian A. Yablonbyablon@foodsolutionsmag.comTECHNICAL WEB DEVELOPERDmitry BogordskyACCOUNTINGaccounting@foodsolutionsmag.comARTICLE SUBMISSIONSgigi@foodsolutionsmag.comINFORMATION REQUESTSinfo@foodsolutionsmag.comGigi Stewart, M.A.Editor in ChiefADVISORY BOARDCynthia S. Rudert,M.D., F.A.C.P.,CD & Gluten Intolerance SpecialistMarci Page Sloane,MS, RD, LDN, CDE,Registered & Licensed Dietician /Nutritionist & Certified Diabetes EducatorLeigh Reynolds,GF Therapeutics /Celi-Vites President04/ F O O D S O L U T I O N S M A G A Z I N E / M AY I S S U E
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