GamesTM Issue 136 - 2013, Tygodniki, prasa, magazyny
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Finally, we’re ready to get started. Sony, Nintendo and
now Microsoft have shown their hands, while E3 has
allowed third-party publishers to make a declaration
of intent about the next generation. There are those
that think the traditional console experience is going
away; this is a crucial time in proving their relevance.
The Xbox One is as much about services as it is
about games – contentious among the hardcore,
perhaps, but undeniably a forward-looking step by
Microsoft, and as our massive look at Microsoft’s
next-gen strategy this month proves, games are
equally high on the company’s agenda.
Our early glimpse at Call Of Duty’s venture into
next-gen with Ghosts explores the conundrum facing
Activision in sustaining the series’ success. Find
out how the publisher is trying to keep the massive
franchise relevant, just as its contemporaries double
down on their efforts.
The changing console cycles typically expose the
complacency that comes with success – it’s rare for
any one manufacturer to dominate for more than two
generations, and I feel like that’s a positive means
of keeping the industry competitive. Nintendo won
the previous generation in hardware numbers, yet
Microsoft made enormous leaps with the Xbox brand,
while Sony found itself with an unexpected uphill
battle; you can see that situation reflected in various
ways through the strategies behind the Wii U, Xbox
One and the PS4.
They’ve all got something to prove – and they’re
playing in a very different landscape to the one they
entered in the mid-Noughties. I can’t wait to see what
the current market brings out of them.
Samuel Roberts
Samuel Roberts
Samuel Roberts
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