GamesTM Issue 137 - 2013, Tygodniki, prasa, magazyny

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I tried to make a Top 5 of E3 list when I
returned from my first trip to the show this
year, but after some introspection over a frozen
pizza, I decided against it. And besides, what
an arbitrary, SEO-friendly way to categorise so
many of the amazing titles out there.
But what if, at gunpoint, I had to? Well,
since we’re on the subject: 5.
Need For Speed:
Rivals, 4. The Division, 3. Thief, 2. InFamous:
Second Son, 1. The Witcher 3. Titles as diverse
as Transistor and Tearaway were equally
important to making this past E3 feel mighty
again, too.
I felt there was a lot more creativity going
into triple-A titles at this E3, a drive to bring
some real flavour to that crucial type of
mainstream-friendly product. I hope we can
share our enthusiasm for the future with you
this month, while exposing the games and
policies that may be holding the industry back.
My personal highlight of E3 was the final
appointment I had, however: interviewing
Masahiro Sakurai, creator of
Smash Bros.
His attitude towards game design will engage
and entertain you as much as it did for me, as
he discusses the game that could reverse the
Wii U’s early misfortunes.
Samuel Roberts
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